I’m so glad that we are moving away from screens that will last 20+ years to screens that will be in a landfill after 2 years because of burn in.
Bro there is like maybe 25 active communities on here… if I have to block half of them then what’s the point of being here?
Bloated in what way? Like game wise? I have Steam, EGS , and GoG and they all run just as smooth as the next
Why do you think they shouldn’t add support for them?
Why not? Does the steam deck not work with those?
Welcome to “democracy”
So it’s all bullshit then, got it.
Ok, what information could they gather and how would they use that to influence an election?
What’s that have to do with telling US companies what other companies they are or aren’t allowed to do business with?
This guy wants to be Elon Musk so bad
Found the 12 year old
Yeah, hackers having my data is so much better than China…
Being a keyboard warrior isn’t doing anything
I’m so glad we banned tik tok so my data doesn’t fall in the wrong hands.
Ok then do it, talk is cheap.
Or are you expecting other people to do it for you while you sit on Lemmy acting tough?
Found the neo lib
I thought this was a free market
It’s a real shame that politicians can do literally the most awful things and still have hundreds of million of people dick ride for them.
How is a screen saver supposed to do anything to prevent burn in from games that have static images like the UI in an MMO or the scoreboard in a sports game?