A lot of smaller businesses charge you extra for using the credit card or something similar.
The bigger businesses don’t do that.
A lot of smaller businesses charge you extra for using the credit card or something similar.
The bigger businesses don’t do that.
Protecting your network from internet-bound threats is one of the most important jobs of a router, and that involves receiving security updates. Once your router no longer receives security updates, you should stop using it.
This will be useful if you are trying to let multiple people share your computer remotely. If you are trying to set up personal game streaming for one client at a time, try Moonlight and Sunshine (more mature, easier to setup, works on any hardware).
What you’d buy is “domain.com” and can then redirect any emails of the form “<anything>@domain.com” or even things like “<anything>@<anything>.domain.com”.
In fact, any email ending in “.domain.com” or “@domain.com”. And you could set up a wildcard to catch all emails without having to setup that specific email first.
True but Nvidia has been making performant ARM chips (for example, the ones in the Nintendo Switch)
The idea is ARM can be more efficient, which translates as longer battery life and/or faster computers for the end user.
This is and always will be true about software. Progress sometimes means abandoning bad ideas, even ideas that were good at the time but are bad now that something else has changed.
Old Windows games generally don’t work on modern Windows without a virtual machine.
My game’s anticheat software is already using root level permissions to monitor other program’s RAM, my OS might as well have all that data too.
My gaming OS is a malware mess. I don’t use windows for anything else since that’s the only thing it’s good at. I’ll move to Linux once my friends stop playing the games that require Windows only malware anti cheat.
You can host a git repo with little effort on any Linux machine you can ssh to. You don’t need to host a git lab instance unless you want some web gui.
Yeah I see the argument that any content behind an internet connection is DRM, but I think that stance is a bit extreme.
There are a handful of real problems on that list, but it’s like 3/20.
It’s important to maintain this list and call them out though. If I can’t expect GoG games to be DRM free I might as well just use Steam where plenty of games are still DRM free but other features of the platform are a bit better.
Oof I haven’t heard of this. That’s like the whole selling point of GoG. What games have DRM?
Buy CD’s and DvDs. Check if a game has DRM before buying it (or just buy from GoG where DRM is banned). Run some flavor of Linux.
Go read the GitHub issue. The main difficulty in implementing reproducible builds is the code signing Apple requires as well as other tweaks Apple makes to modify the binary from what the dev submits to what gets downloaded from the App Store. Note that Android already has reproducible builds. Also the reason the GitHub issue was closed wasn’t “refusal” to implement the feature, they wanted to move the discussion to their forums.
Destiny raids aren’t competitive PvP - it’s cooperative puzzle solving. The puzzles are designed to require communication and cooperation between a team of 6 people. Usually this works by having one player get the information that another player needs in some form.
It also helps if everyone is using meta loadouts or whatever, but that’s not the reason why voice chat is necessary.
I don’t think you understand - a core part of D2 raid mechanics is players needing to quickly and effectively share information with each other.
It’s things like player A needs to tell player B which of 5 buttons to press.
It’s possible to do this communication via the in-game text chat, but there’s a lot of reasons why voice chat is much more effective.
If your problem with signal is that it isn’t self-hosted, just self-host it? It’s all open source.
Yeah throwing a piece of sodium metal into water will cause a violent reaction. Even touching it with your finger is bad because of the moisture on your skin.
But sodium chloride (table salt) dissolves in water easily and safely, resulting in an aqueous solution including sodium ions.
Makes sense because if you want to make freely available code but want to allow commercial projects to use it you want to use a liberal license because if your code is copy left licensed businesses won’t want to use it.
I’ve seen this in action: I’ve seen a business reject working with one research group because their code was copyleft licensed, so instead they turned to another group offering a liberally licensed competitor.
If you’ve got a better plan I’m all ears, but I’ve never seen any actual alternative proposed.
This has been a legal requirement by the government for a while, in order to combat counterfeit money. Many tools that work with images will complain about banknotes, even printers.
Also it’s not AI based and isn’t sending your image to a server. It’s checking for certain specific anti-counterfeit details of banknotes.