Multiple times per day??
Multiple times per day??
I agree with your point about OS X style menus, they’ve been steadily going downhill since “macOS” though. Granted, they’re still uphill of whatever the fuck Microsoft seems to think of.
I’ve done a triple take to try to see what you’re referring to but all I can conclude is that he has great hair. If I showered and let my hair dry it would look exactly like that.
Is this serfdom with extra steps?
Fuck this stupid world we’ve built.
Similar to, but not quite the same as the kind of man-child that buys an F-150 on the off chance they need to haul a dresser once every 4 years. Seriously though, if each one of these buyers keeping US truck bloat in style bought a motorcycle instead to cement their self-worth, traffic would be eliminated in most US cities. That’s not possible due to many factors, I know, but it must be said motorcycles are just way cooler.
I imagine they’re really itching to torpedo it somehow. Surprisingly long time for them not to do so.
Thanks, worked for me
Good supplemental reading here to iFixIt’s recent announcement pertaining to their relationship with Samsung moving forward.
What a coincidence!
Like kudzu
I’d never heard of Xlite, that’s great. I can imagine what you mean, current stock Windows is always chugging on some unecessary telemetry in the background. Some days I want to buy an old system to put XP on for the nostalgia.
I’m very much a tech person and can confirm for me personally: T9-Word in combination with physical keys was a much faster, one-handed, and even eyes-off experience. Even when I upgraded to a phone with a slide out full physical keyboard (Samsung Intensity), T9 was still faster. For any word that had repeated keys back-to-back, my hand knew to press the right arrow which would move the cursor to the next position.
I’m purely talking about typing while not looking at the screen (for instance in a pocket like OP mentioned). Not sure why you brought screen resolution into it or media players. I’m not a vintage tech apologist–I’m typing this on an S22 with SwiftKey and it’s fine minus a few mistakes. But there was no way I could do this blindfolded. I’d have exited the app and be typing something regrettable into Slack by now.
“Those are leftover telescopes from the solar eclipse. And yes they are loaded.”
I have to think a hard drive and even a VPN service would pay for itself in no time at that cost.
Administration speechcraft level 100
This is such a rage-inducing video, fuck my life. Just makes you want to run up and crush that taser cop’s balls with a solid kick.
For some reason I thought it was mainly to protect Taylor Swift, with teen girls being the afterthought.
As of 2015, approximately 6300 Mt of plastic waste had been generated, around 9% of which had been recycled, 12% was incinerated, and 79% was accumulated in landfills or the natural environment. If current production and waste management trends continue, roughly 12,000 Mt of plastic waste will be in landfills or in the natural environment by 2050.