In case you can’t tell, I’m passionate about rationality and critical thinking.

However, I still appreciate a freshly-baked π.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2024

  • Portraiture, live photography of events, those are skills. It absolutely is not as simple as pushing a button.

    This can’t be overstated. Taking good portraits of people is not easy. The requisite skills go beyond the technical aspects of photography, extending into social skill territory. You have to know how to direct people, you have to understand body language and what emotions it may convey. Being able to create flattering images, while working with subjects of various personalities and standards, takes skill.

    I enjoy photography. But I don’t do portraits.

  • I recently ordered some parts for an e-vape online. At the payment page it asked for a tip. I was in disbelief. (I didn’t take a screenshot, but in retrospect I should have.)

    No services rendered, no food being made, nobody personally delivering it to my house. But it still wanted a tip, with the explanation that it was “to support our team!”

    Where to even begin…

  • That reminds me of how during Covid, nursing homes relied on “travel nurses.” These were nurses contracted by an outside agency, sent to facilities to combat the so-called “nursing shortage.”

    Thing is, the travel nurses were paid considerably more than the staff already hired by the facilities. So if you already worked at a place, you were still paid your dirt-low wage - no raises, no bonus, no hazard pay. Meanwhile, nurses who came in who didn’t know the facility, didn’t know the staff, and didn’t know the patients got paid a lot more. It was insulting and demoralizing for everyone who chose to stay working where they already were.

  • Thank you. As I said, I was skeptical. I’m pretty sure I’d hate living there.

    I mean, tonight I’ll be going out to dinner with both my boyfriend and my girlfriend, as well as all my coworkers. Everybody knows my lifestyle - I can be open in public, with my two favorite people, and know I’m safe and accepted.

    I can’t imagine a single perk the Saudi government can give me that would be better than that.

  • Would those perks be extended to most people, or only to a certain subset of people (ie straight, male, religious)? Like, would a bisexual, atheist woman receive the same perks? I get the impression that a lot of people still wouldn’t feel accepted there.

    I’m genuinely curious. Your comment prompted me to do a little research. I found that Saudi Arabia has been making strides toward women’s equality in the past few years. It’s doing a lot better than it had been even just six years ago! At the same time, this thread exists, so… I’m skeptical that Saudi Arabia would have enough benefits to outweigh the restrictions that someone like myself would have to live with.

  • Some months back, there was a thread here on Lemmy where people were discussing western names written using Chinese characters. Phonetically, the names will sound alike. But meaning-wise, the characters will result in a Correct Horse Battery Staple-esque string of words.

    Which is why I have since decided to make passwords by typing random names into a Chinese name generator and using the English translated result.

    Sounds like a lot of work, but the way I see it, trying to think of new passwords is always work so I might as well have fun with it.

  • A relationship that never fights is unrealistic and a problem

    I’m not sure how you define “fight.” For me (and probably many others), it conjures an image of violence hostility.

    A lot of people in relationships resolve disagreements through discussion. If a partner were unable to discuss an issue without shouting (or worse), they wouldn’t remain my partner. Point is, being able to resolve issues in a mature way is a basic requirement for many relationships.

    I know that isn’t everyone’s experience though. I can only imagine how much crap you’ve been through for “relationship fights” to feel so normal. I’m sorry, that has to really suck. :(

    Edit: Changed some words. Also, I’m truly surprised that this many people seem to think that shouting at a partner is normal/healthy.