Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
I’m really liking waterfox
It’s totally fine if it works for people, but I regularly drive long distance, and limited range means planning everything around that.
I have been looking at aptera, which might have longer range due to being aerodynamic and efficient. That’s what I want to see offered more for EVs. Problem is, it’s not a reality until it’s available for sale.
155 mile range, well that’s a local commuter car, that’s it. The masses need things besides a local commuter car.
There’s always a cost to convenience, but many are not paying attention.
Sounds like a creepy place
Thanks for reporting the often ignored extinction of wildlife at the local Mcdees
It’s not like Microsoft has their finger on the pulse of technology advancement, they only got involved with AI to seem relevant, and now it’s not worth doing anymore.
deleted by creator
I like how there’s a ball on top, so you know where to kick it
I’d favor more of a typhoid Mary scenario
I’d say the most likely path to prion outbreak would be lack of food regulation. Thousands of people could get sick/ die from contaminated ground meat, and without FDA functioning, it will be too late to prevent it.
Way too many entries for the Darwin Awards this year
You get two options with a history of nepotism and complacency. Independent parties stand no chance due to the funding.
Yes, democrats suck, but it’s still better than voting for soulless fascists.
When I clicked on the video I was expecting nightmare fuel, but seemed more like …
So… Leopards are eating each other’s faces?
It would be different if people started floating away or growing extra arms, it’s not hard to find real footage of cops being assholes