Never underestimate the mechanical eyes.
Never underestimate the mechanical eyes.
It pulls a synonym—what’s the big deal?
What are you hiding? /s
I think you could do that, but you will be further bottlenecking your bandwidth, and you will be adding an extra layer of complexity that could lead to unforeseen issues down the road.
Personally, I would just enable the kill switch, or run the VPN client side, but not double it up with 2 VPN’s.
This. ProxMox will save you many times over while you are learning. It makes it so easy to backup and restore, try out new projects in a sandbox, and much much more.
I credit ProxMox with making me bolder about what I wanted to accomplish and having the courage and time to take risks while knowing I could always restore from backup in an instant.
Currently in Mexico, it displays the name your phone region is set to. It still shows Gulf of America on my phone, even when I am on Mexican WiFi.
I need a bigger nerd than me to explain how much Apple users need to worry about this.
We clearly went to different kinds of colleges.
But if it’s just about conquering an ordeal, then there should be more variety. I’d rather kill Madusa than sit through a 4 year degree.
I could get laser surgery, but I choose glasses. I prefer how I look with them than without them, and sometimes they double as eye protection.
Gluetun is the way. Get a transmission docker container, set up a gluetun docker container, set the gluetun container as the network for the transmission container.
Viola, you have a perfectly working VPN with a kill switch.
The issue is that public trackers are too easy for people to monitor and pursue copyright infringement claims for. Private trackers, by design, are much harder to do that with, which makes them leaps and bounds safer to use.
Don’t think about it as keeping the common man out, it is about keeping The Man out.
It’s called private trackers, and they are great.
2001 was 24 years ago in 2 days. BitTorrent can drink.
The have significantly more content (in my experience), and the gate keeping is pretty much just having standards to keep the community safe, and the media seeded.
It is always time to join a private tracker.
I have about 60TB in mine. Media, man. Collecting is addictive.
I’m basically trying to do exactly what you are describing in your first paragraph. As I understand it, OBS Studio wants the camera directly connected to the device it is on, and MistServer allows it to be remotely connected from a different device on the local network. I’m trying to use Tailscale to create a local-ish network environment.
I haven’t heard of Dararhei before—I will definitely investigate that to see if it is a better solution than MistServer. From a cursory look, it seems like they basically do the same thing.
Because OBS studio allows me to have more control of the stream, do overlays on the screen, etc. I need to remotely connect to that software, and then it broadcasts it to Kick, YouTube, etc.
If I stream directly, then it will cut the stream if I lose cell connection, which is likely at times in Mexico, and I will basically be stuck to streaming on one service at a time.
The other advantage of having overlays with my username is that it will help people find me if I get clipped and put on YouTube by viewers.
This is an example of a service that does what I’m trying to do, but I’m trying to do the same thing for much cheaper:
Bruh, pirate? I’m talking about a livestream. A livestream of me that I will broadcast to an audience. Totally legal, no copyright—my original content.
It’s so much simpler than that—it can be created now, so it will be. They will use narrative twists to post it on the clearnet, just like they do with anime (she’s really a 1000 year old vampire, etc.). Creating laws to allow it are simply setting the rules of the phenomenon that is already going to be happening.
The only question is whether or not politicians will stop mud slinging long enough to have an adult conversation, or will we just shove everything into the more obscure parts of the internet and let it police itself.