Is there any chance the buzzing is actually from what you have the PSU plugged into? I think ive had a surge protector that have a buzzing without anything drawing power that went away once something was consuming power.
Is there any chance the buzzing is actually from what you have the PSU plugged into? I think ive had a surge protector that have a buzzing without anything drawing power that went away once something was consuming power.
In this particular case, OP said none of the others met their needs. I would like to know what new functionality this one has to know if it’s something I’m interested in or not. It’s not a critique - it’s helping me understand if I want to check it out or not.
Just got a steam deck and love it. I also got the official dock and can’t believe how bad it is. I have to unplug it and my TV half the time to get the dock to connect correctly. It works fine for a few days, then stops. I’ve had picture issues and audio issues and even issues with the deck right after disconnecting it.
Just got one too! I tried right at launch time, eventually got locked out for too many purchase attempts while their servers were failing and had to go back to work. On whim, tried again 15 minutes ago and was able to get one shipping in 2~4 weeks. Soooo happy!
This isn’t unusual for Enterprise grade IT hardware. Mainframes have been sold/licensed that way for decades. I recently dealt with a performance issue that we solved by buying a license to use more of a piece of hardware that was already in our data center (we didn’t realize the piece we owned had twice the capacity that could be unlocked just through licensing till we engaged the vendor)
I’m in the situation you’re talking about right now. There’s an upcoming restructuring and on paper, I’ve been able to reposition my teams so there’s no job elimination and I’ve found homes for everyone. I’m actually excited about the plan. But I’ve been around the block enough to know that my plan on paper might not be accepted, and that this is just phase one. The funding to contract externally needs to come from somewhere. Laying off entire teams might be what causes me to finally put my own job on the chopping block to save a few others. I could go back to being a staff dev and it’s potentially not even much of a pay cut. But damn do I love everything else about my job, but mental load of these decisions, even when I know they’re the best ones I could make, is a lot.