Open source developer & privacy advocate.
Waterfox is a neat project, but is often slow to implement security patches from Firefox upstream.
Materialious doesn’t use remote fonts by default, only as a backup if local font loading fails. For some reason ublock in hard mode makes local font fail loading & remote font is used.
Materialious contains zero trackers. Believe this was a issue with ublock falsely flagging local fonts as trackers or something, someone else open a issue on the repo with a similar issue. Feel free to review the source code for any trackers.
Maybe with the Materialious frontend
Cough cough might be a plug
Home page is the “popular” page what is pulled from Invidious’ API. Basically just the popular videos people have been watching on that instance.
I enjoy confusing people.
Thank you & yes my taste is on point.
Materialious is a web app. Check out Clipious for a native Android Invidious client with support for Android TV.
Yes! DeArrow support is planned
Yea the slider was the default component vidstack uses, I do agree it would be a good idea to use a drop down instead.
Thanks for your interested. Currently this is just a alternative frontend for Invidious. But I am open to integrating other services into Materialious.
Materialious uses ReturnYouTubeDislikes for dislikes and likes, this option can be disabled in settings.
This interface uses the Invidious API. So if YouTube breaks Invidious & Materialious, once Invidious is fixed, Materialious is also fixed.
fair enough! Materialious very much meant for people who use Invidious and are comfortable with JS.
Might even include some free viruses! creator here, incredible tool
Its considered a highly experimental feature, so enabling it could result in unknown issues or even security issues.
Also Firefox still lacks isolatedProcess
I’d imagine Firefox would enable Fission by default if it was actually ready.
yea considering its FOSS it was good enough compared to a lot of the other clients for me to move away from Symfonium