Are you saying the writers of these programs have read all these books, and were inspired by them so much they wrote millions of books? And all this software is doing is outputting the result of someone being inspired by other books?
Are you saying the writers of these programs have read all these books, and were inspired by them so much they wrote millions of books? And all this software is doing is outputting the result of someone being inspired by other books?
Unless you think theres no difference between killing a person and closing a program, I think we can agree they should be treated differently in the eyes of the law.
And so theres a difference between a person reading a book and being inspired by it, and someone writing a program that automatically transforms the book in data that can create new books.
For a lot of normal people linux just doesnt offer any advantages they care about. If you tell them it can do everything windows can do, the question “so why should i go through the effort of switching” remains. There’d have to be something they really want, that they can’t get from windows.
Though average users use mobile devices instead of desktops more and more, so I can see windows becoming mostly a thing that people use at work.
It’s generally not the creator who gets the money.
Say I see a book that sells well. It’s in a language I don’t understand, but I use a thesaurus to replace lots of words with synonyms. I switch some sentences around, and maybe even mix pages from similar books into it. I then go and sell this book (still not knowing what the book actually says).
I would call that copyright infringement. The original book didn’t inspire me, it didn’t teach me anything, and I didn’t add any of my own knowledge into it. I didn’t produce any original work, I simply mixed a bunch of things I don’t understand.
That’s what these language models do.
I’m not sure. And I’m not sure there’s legal precedant for that either.
That’s why I dont have a problem with any of these lawsuits, it gives us clarity on the legal aspects, whichever way it goes.
Not a lawyer, but you can argue that if the language model is trained using gpl licensed data, then the language model has to be published under gpl as well.
If you release code under gpl, and I modify it, I’m required to release those modifications publicly under gpl as well.
It’s not a fair trade if there is no consent.
A human can, within limits.
But software isn’t human. AI models aren’t “learning”, “practicing” and “developing their own skills”.
Human-made software is copying other peoples work, transforming it, letting a bunch of calculations loose on it, and mass producing similar works as the input.
Using an artists work to train an ai model and making similar stuff with it to make money off of it, is like copying someones work, putting on a mug, and selling that.
It’s not using it as inspiration to improve your own skills.
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