Means testing doesn’t work.
Means testing doesn’t work.
He can be stupid and evil
My tiktok feed is incredibly unkind to Israel with the footage of children either dead or weeping at the hospital beds of their parents. That is why this is happening. That is why they shut off the Internet and electricity in Gaza and that is why they want you to shut off your Internet as well. If you see what is happening in Gaza there’s a real possibility that global public opinion turns incredibly hard on the Israeli government.
I’ve seen about 5 reporters break down crying on tiktok. I watched a doctor treating a patient learn about his children dying in an airstrike. This isn’t even graphic content. It is the raw human emotion and fear. Palestinians are putting out their goodbyes on social media and it’s heartbreaking.
The Israeli government is a far right fascist government and it knows it can’t survive without Western support. This time it’s already well out what they’re doing. Even their defense of saying they have to fight against Hamas is ringing hollow. You can’t decry the death of Israeli civilians and then the world watches you bomb ambulances on Facebook.
It’s the thing I use to hammer home the idea that our lives are dramatically worse than our parents. I could not dream of paying that mortgage but my mom could pay it as a single mother of two because they bought it in the 80s for 300k and engineer salaries allowed them to pay it.
The house I grew up in is now worth 1.4 million dollars.
It’s clearly not all boomers we get it.
Those people are already paying though
Except for cops and pinkertons but I repeat myself
The debate is from western scholars and from a western perspective.
If you are going to call communist party control of elections authoritarian and undemocratic, then two capitalist parties controlling all elections in the US isn’t really functionally different. I’m not a China Stan. My point is that even trying to research how Chinese government and politics function using Wikipedia is exposing one to western propaganda.
Also, I think it should be fairly obvious that the western state and intelligence wings clearly are influential on Wikipedia.
I mean Wikipedia is not without a shitload of bias. Try searching democracy in China or homelessness in the USSR.
Take the contrast between the pages democracy in China vs democracy in the US. The Chinese page uses shit like oxford and Cambridge to call China an authoritarian one party state. Which: okay, but the framing of this is incredibly negative given the same argument could be for the US. Notably, the US page (redirected from democracy in the US) simply outlines US government structure and function.
The Chinese page condemns the current government of China as being antidemocratic while unironically citing the government that lost the civil war to the Chinese communist party instituted martial law for 38 years in Taiwan. Yes, the current Chinese government does not allow other parties to run candidates (as far as I understand it) but given what the people experienced before this government, its not that shocking that the vast majority of the population believes they live in a democracy.
Long windedly, Wikipedia is also super biased and corrupt.
You asked how elon ruined the experience, someone explained it to you, you then said you don’t even use the platform and hadn’t noticed any of that. Like. Why did you ask in the first place and why are you dismissing the fairly detailed and accurate answer you got?
Edit: I’ll leave my response but I think you’re actually just curious from the perspective of someone who doesn’t use twitter a lot. I think I knee jerk reacted as though you were trying to defend musk as his fans are fairly obnoxious. Having reread this whole conversation, I think I’m coming off more aggressive than I should be.
Anyway, yeah you’re right you probably wouldn’t have noticed the negative changes musk has brought about. As a former daily user of twitter I’m fairly angry at the destruction of the site. I think twitter was an extremely important venue, it gave regular people direct access to interaction with the rich and powerful, it gave access to unfiltered news from on the ground people and it allowed people from remote/poorer parts of the world a way to interact with the west. Losing that in the society we live in is a real bummer.
Yeah, given the tech today this needs to be revisited at the very least
Cool you barely use twitter and didn’t notice any of the declines detailed above but “no, not really” thanks for the high quality discussion
I used to work at a Ralph’s in Santa Monica and no one stole anything ever
I’m considering rooting at this point.
I just spent about 2 hours trying to figure out how to turn off google assistant always listening and turning off the driving mode for maps. Still can’t solve the maps thing. Looking for an alternative, this is getting so shitty.
I bought a pixel because I couldn’t stand the bloatware that came from Samsung devices, now I can’t uninstall chrome or any google apps, fuck this.
I do not. Rand explicitly does.
I’m going to respond so hopefully you grow.
Productivity is difficult to measure or define. Intelligence is similar. Regardless, neither of these things define value in a human life. Some people love to cook, some are great at reading comic books. One might be really good at watching TV. In the end, your preference for what is seen as valuable comes to your preference. There’s nothing objective about it. More concretely, in many engineering jobs great engineers are promoted into management positions for which they are ill suited. They make more money, are they not definitionally more productive? Yet the company and team is worse off.
As for your question, Rand is not subtle about her thoughts.
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