I’m so fucking stoked, remake was a blast and I’ve heard this had some QoL improvements.
Imma binge watch FFVII machinabriged again to get warmed up.
I’m so fucking stoked, remake was a blast and I’ve heard this had some QoL improvements.
Imma binge watch FFVII machinabriged again to get warmed up.
I like it, the interface is super easy to use and I like that you can put a suffix in the url to separate a device name for custom rules or filtering.
Looks like AMD has already patched it, also appears to affect older Intel versions of the same tech concept but not current generations.
Only really affects guests in multi tenant hypervisor environments, requires physical access to the hypervisor, requires external physical hardware, requires booting the host with said hardware attached, at some point this level of compromise is already absurd. This kind of research is important and shows that we still need to limit out level of trust with host providers but I don’t think anyone needs to panic.
while this is great and should be celebrated, keep in mind the specific word electricity. Those of us from warmer states probably arent familiar with how many joules of heat come from oil or gas furnaces which significantly reduces the electricity demand of each home. I was really surprised when I moved from FL to MA that I only had a 100A service line because the furnace and water heater are fueled by #2 oil. Gross. Anyway, according to these guys:
the population of SD is tiny so they don’t use much for heating either so that’s cool, hopefully with a bit more electrification they can reduce their consumption even more.
Hell yeah, haven’t made a donut in a while and I have some downtime. Gday mate!
It’s amazing, they look awful in videos and pictures but then you see one in person and it’s just stunning to look at, not in a good way. They’re the stupidest looking things.
i use notepad to paste garbage that needs the formatting stripped out, they better not fuck that up.
nyan answered your question, I just want to add that older photoshop allegedly runs well in wine and for me personally i’ve had a lot of success with photopea although I’m a terrible example because I don’t do much with it.
not OP but yeah, hopefully it works in wine or has a webapp, failing that I look for alternative software that meets my needs. If all else fails I suppose I could use a windows VM until a better solution appears. It’s really going to depend on your specific case and how vendor locked you are.
Russian government officials trying to get away from windows, eh?
when it was the wrong server and you’re hoping it comes back up before 5 minutes and nagios starts sending alerts
Man, it sure would suck if you could still get to safe mode from pressing f8. Can you imagine how terrible that’d be?
Vista because of license shenanigans. I tried to upgrade from XP and the license wouldn’t activate. Support told me my upgrade license wasn’t compatible with my XP license, like pro vs home or some crap. I was reinstalling Vista every 30 days for a while, I even got it down to like 15 minutes using a slipstreamed DVD with all the stuff I cared about being installed with the OS. It was manageable but annoying since I paid for the OS and the upgrade but couldn’t really use it. Then I took intro to unix and found out linux is free, I’d heard of linux but didn’t know it was free. I didn’t know what a distro was, I wasted a bunch of time trying to download linux from kernel.org and I couldn’t figure out how to get linux to work. Eventually I stumbled upon Ubuntu. Folks, you might not believe this but once upon a time Ubuntu used to be great for newbies. I can still hear the startup music (which was the style at the time) and the african drums. My printer just fucking worked. Firefox and libreoffice just worked, although I quickly learned to turn in deliverables as pdf exports. There were some learning pains but nothing that was any more difficult than random shit that pops up in windows, at least with linux I might get a useful error to point me in the right direction and there was always someone out there smarter than me that posted how to fix it. I haven’t looked back.
I had to deploy a couple MS SQL clusters years ago, I’m fuzzy on the details but for whatever reason we needed a domain admin to enable clustering and instead of following the permissions on the KB they gave up just made the service account a domain admin.
To this day I’ll never understand why a vendor would choose MS SQL or Oracle if they don’t have a very specific function that they need.
I don’t need to waste my time but you amuse me. For fun I’ll only use the source you provided.
if they’re already leaving because of high taxes
Citation needed, the source you linked says they’re leaving because WFH became popular during the pandemic, not because of high taxes.
The chart shown is for earners making more than 200k, whom are not the target of the millionaire tax.
The opinionated article then goes on to say the largest block of folks leaving are age 55-65, and they’re mostly moving to Florida. This is not a new trend, but I’ll admit I’m not going to dig up a source to prove that it’s not new. That being said nothing you’ve cited shows that retirees are leaving because of the millionaire tax, only that FL doesn’t have state income tax.
You’re free to draw whatever conclusions you want from the data provided but I don’t see how it’s at all relevant to the post.
the tax started in 2023 and the ‘‘study’’ you linked shows data from 2019-2022, and they’re bemoaning that the 1% has to pay 23% of the income taxes. I’m sure they’ll be happy in Florida.
Been rocking a pine time for a year or so, it just keeps getting better and it’s insanely cheap.