US americans trying to cash in on discontent with buzzwords like AI and trying to steal the thunder of actual worthy alternatives like lemmy. The fact Ohanian is part of the founders immediately places it into the shit tier bucket for me.
US americans trying to cash in on discontent with buzzwords like AI and trying to steal the thunder of actual worthy alternatives like lemmy. The fact Ohanian is part of the founders immediately places it into the shit tier bucket for me.
Basically, they outscalped the scalpers…
In EU basically the retailers were using on the fly price adjustment to gauge their own customers. There were several models at MSRP but all models that were AIB OC versions started at 749-799€ and were dynamically adjusted upwards. I know personally of several cases where people bought and were charged for the early cheaper price and the etailer cancelled their order to fulfill 100€ more expensive prices they were practicing post hoc. We need to amend legislation to make any sale binding from the moment you’re charged any amount. In CZ the seller Alza was doing this.
Americans (american companies) are incapable of competing fairly.
Thank you for your pity, I shall bask in your magnanimity henceforth, oh superior one. Thou hast no equal on this space rock.
That you’re a bloody idiot for having non mandatory stickers on your car?
I don’t hate US americans but I’ll gladly make an exception for you, a well deserved one I must say.
Are you perchance US american? Because you sound like one. This is lemmy, we’re trying to eschew a significant portion of the bad habits on reddit, be better. Also, I did your work for you, y’er welcome.
At least there you know there’s a brain somewhere
Here, it’s the “writing style” applet, it also exists in 11.
Science would be wild if the onus of finding citations would be on the readers, this mindset is dangerous and the mark of room temp IQ.
And is housed in a 3D printed graphene encasing
Has this guy ever used an Xperia phone? That standard has been around since the Xperia I mk I
Capitalism is the breeding ground of parasitism. The incentive structures needs to change. Good corporate governance and long term sustainability need to trump short term turnover and fiduciary role to always go up. As it exists, corporate incentive structures promote leadership by psychopaths that will go to the utmost consequence to drive the last cent out of their customers. This is especially true in the US, which by virtue of competition, metastasises to the entire western world.
Someone’s nephew had a “genius idea” and uncle decided to invest throwing stock holder money in the fire because he can…
Translation: An AI would allow me to maybe have an echo chamber since human moderators won’t work for me for free.
Exactly, paperclip…
“They’re doing what was previously thought to be impossible”
DCXA (am I a joke to you)
Elmo fanboy detected.
Nobody thought it was impossible, everyone with half a brain understands the math of launching rockets and figured out recoverable VTOLs don’t save that much money compared to traditional launches. Space X has pentagon contracts that allow them to practice dumping in the launch market. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not being honest to themselves.
To think we lost Aaron Swartz and this shitstain and Huffman are still with us. I don’t believe in the supernatural but this kind of shit makes a good case for the existence of a devil.
Sex, gender, sexual orientation, skin colour are red herrings used to distract the people from the fact they have a boot on their neck. The replies to my comment are yet another evidence people are OK licking the boot as long as the party is “insert preference here”. The problem is not particular to any of the aforementioned classes, the problem is the incentive structure is broken and the fiduciary duty is enshrined in law rather than good governance and long term sustainability. Firefox is just another evidence that cheerleading for a CEO because of intrinsic characteristics is a folly.
It must have been the Russians /s