Ah, so it’s the software equivalent of fusion power development.
Ah, so it’s the software equivalent of fusion power development.
Sure, and for home users the backwards compatibility feature only really comes up for people into retro-gaming, but a significant portion of their customer base is government agencies that haven’t updated their software since the '90s. The old hardware is dying, so they need new stuff, and that means something with a new OS to run it, but it also needs to be able to run an ancient program that can only be replaced if some some seventy-something who calls every console a Nintendo can be made to understand why software older than their grandkids isn’t the best thing to have, and they might need to introduce and pass a bill to get it done, not to mention budgeting to commission a company to code the replacement.
Seriously, Microsoft’s absurd level of commitment to backwards compatibility is the entire reason Windows has such staying power. I had to fuck around with things to get a Linux port of a ten year old game running without issues, and it was even the Steam version, but Windows will install and run most twenty year old games right off of the original CD without the user having to do anything at all.
This kind of thing could actually be really beneficial for prosthetics. If we can make a robot that functions as close as possible to a human body at human size, then we can chunk it up to make prosthetics that work like your original limbs and are easy to adapt to.
Possibly to differentiate from the trans women, who were mentioned immediately prior?
Even 2077 didn’t have ads in your car.
I hope the next Fire Emblem uses this. Of course, they didn’t use the Switch’s touch screen, so I’m not holding my breath.
TOTK makes me wish 3D TVs caught on.
Seriously, it’s just a fancy auto-complete. It knows nothing.
Probably. If I were Vance, whether the Never Trump thing was genuine or I was just a power hungry asshole, I’d be positioning myself to look like the sane one in the administration so that I could remove Trump via the 25th in 2027 and be hailed as the guy who saved America from him. I’d also be egging Trump and Musk on to be as terrible as possible as publicly as possible.
Destroys the brand recognition by renaming it to a letter of the alphabet he personally likes but nobody else gives a crap about
I’m beginning to suspect he only likes that letter because it’s the middle part of a swastika.
Holography, the real kind, not the Star Wars kind, is probably the way forward. The display would be about as flat as current ones, but the image would appear three dimensional from any angle and wouldn’t require glasses. You could even lean side to side to change your perspective. I remember reading ages ago that a lab was working on it, but I think they had a frame rate of one every few minutes and it was monochrome and I haven’t heard anything since.
Back to the Future 2 had 16:9 flat screen TVs that were wall mounted. It’s one of only two things it got right about the future, the other being that Japan would still be using fax.
I used to live a couple blocks from a Safeway that decided to put the canned beans and canned chili in the wine aisle, with no sign to direct you there. Is throwing random shit in the wine aisle just a Safeway tradition?
Huh, I was able to just close the pop-up and play the video as normal.
It would specifically hurt Xbox, which I wouldn’t be sad about.
I think anything newer should work though.
I’ve got a Ryzen 3700X and my computer told me it couldn’t do the upgrade, either.
Skipping 9 was due to a combination of marketting (“It’s nothing like 8 was, we swear! It’s not even 9, it’s 10!”) and ye olde third party software developers making the poor decision to query the OS name instead of the OS version to set some compatibility stuff.
He had a boyfriend in Agatha All Along, and his actor is openly gay.