51 year old SQL sounding surprisingly modern for government tracks.
51 year old SQL sounding surprisingly modern for government tracks.
Full face tattoo and getting multiple people on board might do the trick for however long until additional markers are found for the edge case. I think clown makeup would do better since it varies day to day.
If this becomes precedent and enforced the whole Irish tax dodging method becomes moot, puting Ireland on par with other EU nations. If this is a high enough fine it will have long term ramifications.
The main issue to me is, big companies will find the next best thing and continue with unethical accounting, outside of the EU.
Current way to search on google for me is: Add reddit to search string, and set data to before may 1st 2023 Copy link suggested by google and change reddit to reveddit or any of the alternatives there
Results will go out of date but maybe this will tide me over until a good lemmy search is up and running.
But it’s also difficult to prove you didn’t make it similarly 2 times. Just do some name changing, reordering and some slight changes and you should be golden.