I set up my current desktop while reading Gaiman’s The Sandman, so it’s called Morpheus. Because I felt I needed to keep with the theme, my laptop is hades, my phone persephone, my server apollo, my router helios, the media centre PC is orpheus, the pi that boots and updates it outside of usage hours is eurydice, and the pi that runs home assistant is zeus (because it’s responsible for light(n)ing.
Oh, and the work profile on my phone is sisyphos.
The last time I ate McDonald’s, I arrived in Pasewalk, a tiny town in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, on a much delayed train at 2 in the morning. They where the only place that was open, and I hadn’t eaten since noon.
That burger was kinda OK, but it might have been the circumstance. They stopped selling vegan burgers anyway, so whatever.
There’s also qobuz. They have a streaming service, but you can also straight up buy a lot of albums and download them drm free.
I mean, there’s a lot of very impressive manual labour in that watch. Not 900k of it, but still, if you wanna charge prices like that, you probably need some kinda storied history, or innovation, or whatever else you can gesture at justifying your outrageous pricing.
Also needs some stir, maybe find someone more or less famous willing to wear your product, would be best if they also made a scene while wearing it.
I don’t think anyone who can install a Rom, or is willing to read a bit of documentation, should buy this.
If your choice is this, or buying some stock Android Phone and using it as is, this might be OK, but you’re not getting anything special.
My last phone had 12, my current one has 8. Fine for multitasking. I really dunno what I’d want an LLM on my phone for.
My last phone lasted 5 years till the display broke. Had to switch the battery once, but nothing else gave out. My current one gets 8 years of updates, and I plan on using it till then, as long as nothing unexpected happens.
No? Kinda? I’d say a Pixel (so Google hardware, yeah) with Graphene, and either self-hosted, or independent end-to-end encrypted cloud storage.
There are alternatives to the tech conglomerates.
There’s quite a few TP-Link Models that can be flashed with open source firmware. The ones I helped friends and family with seemed to get software updates consistently after being discontinued.
This isn’t an all out endorsement, but I’ve certainly seen worse.
What did you do with the school bus?
Rather annoying. You would think that it shouldn’t make a difference whether or not a mounted drive is present in the machine. I run everything I host in containers on a single machine, so I can’t say whether I’d have encountered such issues.
Jellyfin supports audio books too, but I feel that audiobookshelf gives a much neater experience.
Different use case. Look at this.
I signed up on a smaller instance, and it took them like two weeks to confirm my account. But it does work now.
Uh, the X is probably in reference to Musk-Twitter.
I mean, you probably heard of PowerPC. IBM kept working on that, is still working on it. They’re at Power10 now, but that has some proprietary blobs, as opposed to POWER9.
I’d say that it’s mainly cool because it’s an architecture with enough performance for modern stuff, that is completely open source. No proprietary BIOS, no Management Engine running unknown code. Also, pretty stable, supposedly.
Only supported by Linux, some BSDs, and some proprietary IBM *nixes, if you wanna say you have a system that literally can’t run Windows.
If you want fun facts, the currently 9th most powerful supercomputer, Summit, runs on it, I guess.
The hardware is too expensive for pretty much anyone to actually wanna use it, but oh well, what do you do.
You can get yourself a workstation for about $10k here. https://www.raptorcs.com/content/TL2WK2/intro.html
What about POWER9? You can buy a complete workstation right now, with an open source CPU, Board, BIOS. It’ll cost you an arm, a leg, and probably some more internal organs, but it is currently more functional than RISC-V.
Look at the way Tesla collects and treats customer data, and the way Musk seems to unilaterally abuse his control over the companies he owns for personal reasons.
Now think about the capabilities of the Intel Management Engine that pretty much every Intel CPU requires.
Bad vibes, I say.
For those feeling out of the loop, see here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Management_Engine
Tldr - it’s a little always on processor, running a Minix OS, with direct access to all board devices including the Ethernet Controller.
AMD has something similar in form of their Platform Security Processor.
Says the guy who suddenly started hitting all the typical shithead slogans and talking point as soon as it seemed beneficial.
Finally someone who actually uses a Vostro. Always found that name unreasonably funny.