the lifelong disabilities will be awful
the lifelong disabilities will be awful
mortality rate of 3% for unvaccinated kids.
gonna be a lot of depression-era grieving going on.
Whoa thats some dirty dealing. what a asshole.
Removed by mod
silly speculative twaddle
Is there a running list of US public figures who have publicly performed Nazi salutes?
I just click the bicycles or whatever and then it takes me to the article, it doesn’t loop on my android, Linhx, Windows devices using edge, firefox or chrome.
if you’re having that kind of trouble, i’m really not sure where it would be from.
half the time they just give you the article, but half the time they do captcha.
if you complete the captcha, it always provide you with a full article, though.
Just throw the website in there and you can read it free.
that is unsurprising. many of you seem to covet your limitations in awe.
I have said how it is a practical response in every single comment, you are failing to comprehend what I’m saying.
legislation has been passed in the US that is harming women and taking away their bodily autonomy.
The same legislation should be passed for men as well.
this legislation has a “factual basis”, despite your believies, and is killing women right now.
your contention that doing nothing is better than fighting back. that is cowardly and foolish. sticking your head in the sand isn’t going to help here.
you claim this is ineffectual, while your proposed solution Is to do nothing", and facilitate the process of religious extremists passibg legislation targeting and harming vulnerable populations.
that is your path.
disgusting, to me.
so I’ll continue to set you straight.
I mean, interesting strategy to just agree with most everything I said in your third comment but pretend you aren’t agreeing with me.
I’m glad you’ve come around, though.
The only thing left you need to understand is that because of the legislation that you now agree is hurting women, it is fair to pass legislation that also hurts men in the same way.
you got that?
it seems like you want to talk about coulda woulda shouldas instead of actually addressing the problems, while addressing the problems is a much more effective method of democratic management.
Yes, if and maybes are fun for you, but the legislation proposed here is a practical response to the targeted, harmful legislation already passed.
“That’s not what I said”
That’s literally what you said, that restricting bodily autonomy through legislation was a performance piece.
If the religious extremists are going to restrict women’s civil rights and bodily autonomy, the rational lawmakers should also be restricting men’s civil rights and bodily autonomy.
this is a very practical solution.
“Two wrongs don’t make a right”
that isn’t what’s happening.
they are fighting fire with fire.
they are backburning to stop the wildfire destroying civil rights because of religious extremists and oligarchs that have been elected or appointed.
“Since you’re so sure this isn’t purely performative”
it isn’t. this legislation prohibiting female bodily autonomy already happened.
raped children are being forced to keep their rape babies.
women are dying in the parking. lots of hospitals.
they are being bounty hunted for seeking medical care.
That’s not performative. those are real life effects of these people. you want to allow to steal civil rights, including basic human dignity.
shame on you.
restricting people’s bodily autonomy and healthcare so that they are dying in the streets of the US is not “performative nonsense”.
there was US legislation passed by extremists that restricts civil liberties and takes away the rights of women in the United States, and women are dying and becoming extremely ill as a result.
If women’s rights are restricted in that country, then so should be the men’s.
this is literally outreach to those communities by applying the same absurd standards that are being applied to the current victims to the oppressors.
This is a valid and effective proposal to counter the reproductive rights recently stolen from women.
pretty pissed that I just read that whole article and they don’t mention which anime.
“Troopers allege that Rickey Lowe was driving while intoxicated.”
also, let it be clear that one brother three the alligator outside then the other brother threw his brother’s crocodile outside
deleted by creator
20 to 30% have some form of complications, it’s particularly severe in the vulnerable, very young, very old and compromised immune systems.
I don’t think that includes the general weakened immune system that a lot of people experience after the measles, children apparently lose 12 to 73% of their antibodies following a mild measles infection.
it’s highly transmissible, 9 out of 10 people who are exposed and unvaccinated will get it.
there are a ton of stats and a ton of complications that can occur with measles, so it’s difficult to find one comprehensive number for everything, but everyone who is unvaccinated will probably get it after less than 90% of the population is vaccinated, 20 to 30% will develop complications, a lot of those are going to be permanent. and even the temporary complications can last for years.
We don’t have more recent data because it was eradicated so rapidly in 3 years after the vaccine was introduced, but prospects sure don’t look good for dumb families and whichever population they’re poisoning.