This is all incredibly (funny, and) poignant, and, as a programmer, I agree. But any career has its level of trimming Satan’s pubes, and I’m really happy to be trimming my share.
This is all incredibly (funny, and) poignant, and, as a programmer, I agree. But any career has its level of trimming Satan’s pubes, and I’m really happy to be trimming my share.
Yet it still happens. OpenGameArt just recently recovered from a DDoS. If you build a better mousetrap…
Ok, the question is: What would each distro taste like?
RedHat: A dark roast, bitter but caffeinated. You curse with each sip and can’t stop drinking it. You also pay the barista to tell you how to hold the mug.
So, when you foot turns purple from the multitude of rubber bands, did it make you play any better?
Then decompress after. Let fear be your cypher.
No one except the aforementioned motherfucker
They do. You pay extra for it. You have to have apache or a web server configured for it, and a lot of space. Source: I configured one like 4 years ago.