you know that the whole anti-phone thing is propaganda right?
you know that the whole anti-phone thing is propaganda right?
You can’t chew gum in Singapore at all, maybe this is why
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It’s propaganda to support the war on us and the legal slavery of 1% of the whole population. It’s not education
Meta is part of the genocide
ever since the tea party and especially trump the inmates are running the asylum
Estateware you can’t get an abortion and the power grid isn’t stable who’s only attraction was cheaper rent than San Francisco and even that’s not really a thing anymore? What a dumb move
This is a good oppertunity to teach young people about tech
Doesn’t pixelfed support shirt videos now?
We need better urbanism for the kid’s sake
I knew I was right not to trust him. Think hard about why a clown like him wants to restrict Kid’s access to information
Their votes count more than ours. That’s how trump happened in the first place
you might be gay and have to move out, assuming they didn’t throw you out as a teen. even if you’re straight your parent’s won’t respect you as an adult if you live with them and impose restrictions on your lifestyle. you also have to appease them in whatever crazy shit they force on you because they can kuck you out if you refuse
Urbanism isn’t just for hippies and LycraBros, it’s also for anyone too young to drive a car
SUVs have done more to displace in person hangouts among kids than phones
drug test
Well there’s your problem. too many people like weed and by the tine you can pass a teat you’ve already found a diffrent job that doesn’t judge you for what you do on the weekend with a body fluid analysis. Drop the drug test and applications will come. Everyone who is creepy invasive like that has hiring problems even the NSA
so if I applied I’d be accepted and get on-the-job training?
Are they willing to hire people who don’t already have 10 years experience? Are they willing to train people who are fresh out of high school? If not then those companies can only blame themselves for not having workers. After the Great Recession companies got entitled because they could hire whoever they wanted with whatever experience and degrees they wanted for rock bottom prices and that entitlement never left.
You say it takes a hell of a lot to go homeless but there’s literally homeless people everywhere in this country. I literally can’t ride my bike to the thrift store (can’t afford a car) without passing a half dozen tents on the sidewalk, and then you get to the thrift store and it’s so deeply picked over there’s nothing worth buying. None of that is a sign that things are good. America is a great place if you’re rich not if you’re poor
I give ARM a decade before RISC-V eats it from the bottom up