Thank you kind soul, that really brightened up my day.
Thank you kind soul, that really brightened up my day.
Not the whole government, but some of it 100% yes.
I don’t see anything that could be considered a “Youth bad” statement in that comment. It’s a complex issue, influenced by a myriad of factors.
For example, I could dissasemle and reassemble my first PC without any prior knowledge. I had to learn to use DOS to navigate the OS and get things done. I got a book from the library about it, and spent hours upon hours just learning about how the file structure, commands, programs, external media, etc. worked before I could do anything remotely useful.
Today a PC/tablet/phone is a black box, you have to actively WANT to tinker in order to learn such about how they work. And most big tech companies try to punish you for so much as trying to replace a battery yourself.
I suspect you are projecting some personal feelings onto a stranger’s comment.
That’s the nature of the beast. You can’t have human users on a network without at least some slop.
But the decentralized network ensures that a “techno-baron” has no more say than you or I, which is exactly what the internet is supposed to do.
That’s decidedly better than a centralized system, especially now.
I just thought perhaps there is already a lot of the necessary components there since bazzite is so well-tailored to running windows games. But of course I have no idea what I’m talking about. I hope I made that at least somewhat clear in my comment.
This is just an idea, but bazzite could possibly work for affinity. It’s designed around steam and proton compatibility layer, and it can play almost all games made for Windows out of the box.
So perhaps you could use the proton compatibility layer instead of wine. You could even add the exe to steam as a “non-steam-game” to make starting the program super simple.
I am no expert here, it’s just a thought.
Germany has regulations for food that are much more demanding than those of the US, so there isn’t much that fast food restaurants can do to cut costs in Germany aside from the order touchscreens and such.
Excerpt about additives:
Believe it or not, big name food brands often adjust their ingredients in European countries compared to their products released in the United States. Certain ingredients that are illegal in Europe are still allowed, and commonly used, in the United States. The following eight common ingredients are approved in the U.S. but banned by the European Union or select European states.
Potassium bromate (bromated flour)
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO)
Coloring agents (Red #40, Yellow #6, Yellow #5, and Blue #1)
And these additive ingredients expand past the EU into the United Kingdom. For example, the American version of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is entirely different from Kraft’s “Cheesey Pasta” sold in Great Britain. Take a look at the differences below.
Mozilla should approach proton to try and get accuired. I would love to see Firefox and Thunderbird become part of the proton landscape.
Great news!
You certainly have to learn new ways of doing things when you want to tinker, but they are basically UNBREAKABLE, which is my main plus point. I’m busy, I need my PC to be reliable. I don’t want to have to troubleshoot stuff just to keep it up and running.
If I had more time I would really enjoy the tinkering, but I don’t so I need my distro just work.
Define useful.
Just a rhetorical request, I’m not expecting an answer.
If this what works for work stuff, then more power to ya. I just hope you don’t do any personal stuff on there…
You will love it. Great for gaming, flatpaks are the standard, and local AI is easy to setup with podman.
Just be aware that installing stuff without a flatpak or appimage available can be somewhat of a pain.
The remarkable 2 is apparently good for this if you know what you are doing.
I have one and I’m very happy with it, but I use it exclusively for todo lists and taking notes, so I have no need to tinker with it.
As others have stated, grapheneOS is a good choice, and it’s extremely secure.
Another option is murena’ eOS. If you live in Europe, thier store sells phones with the OS preinstalled, and if you don’t, the easy installer app works pretty well with most models.
But fair warning, I recently installed eOS on my wife’s old Samsung S7, and I ended up having to do the installation manually with adb (command line tools). So read up on the phone you want to use, some are easier than others.
The operating system itself is great, and allows for anonymous usage of the play store (free stuff only of course) as well as F-Droid out of the box. You can also add your Google account to get full play store functionality, but then Google starts getting your info again, albeit less than with standard android.
It’s an amazing tool.
For your comics list, I’d suggest Dataview, quickadd, and templater plugins. With those three you could easily make a database with an entry mask, that automatically sorts the files into folders and sets metadata based on the mask input, and dynamically creates various tables for reference.
Folder notes could be useful too, depending how you want to set it up, and how detailed you want to have your tables.
Whatever you decide on, good luck. :)
This program rocks for any sort of organization.
Markdown files in folders, with all sorts of plugins for tweaking it to your use case.
But beware, Obsidian is full of rabbit holes. Don’t get distracted by shiny plugins that you don’t actually need.
Another reason to check out eOS. F-Droid is a standard source for the default app store, along with the usual play store apps. I just got a Fairphone 5 last week, an installed eOS. I’m loving it so far.
I was trying so hard to get GTP4ALL to work inside of obsidian because it has this localdocs feature, where you can feed it documents and it integrates them into itself. I want the model to be aware of the whole vault, and also generate notes based on the vault contents, constantly updating.
It looks like podman desktop + chatGPG obsidian plugin is the way to go through, I’m playing around with it and it looks promising.
I tried to usw this for my home folder in my daily driver, but it just did not work for me.
I’m now trying out the PARA system, and Iike it better.
I should also add I use obsidian.md for basically everything having to do with files/folders/organization, so I do have all sorts of tags, auto-updated tables, etc. So a simpler file structure suits me better.