• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Yeah, if I had the HTML and CSS I would be golden. I have no problems hosting an nginx container and all that.

    The problem is as soon as I want to change something in the style/structure I am at a loss. I will start messing around where it seems appropriate, but I will never get it where I want, because I don’t know html/css. I am only copying what I see and doing qualified guesses.

    Yeah, I might hire someone to do a webpage some time in the future, but not now. For now an OK page will have to do.

  • Yeah, I am very much aware that I am a beginner and getting started really is the biggest problem here. I don’t know where to start. Doing bullet lists in html for hours on end in some web course feels like I am not learning much other than the names of different tags. But what is my next step? I don’t know. All tutorials, courses or guides I find are either way to basic or way to complicated. This is where I am at, not knowing how to progress really.

    I have done a blog using a simple Hugo theme before which was great. Therefore I was leaning towards that sort of tool now.

    I have been looking at this Hugo theme, but never got it to work as I wanted it to. Also, it has to be re-done from “marketing” to just a dead simple company info page.

    I appreciate you offering, but I don’t expect you to work for me. I will figure something out eventually. I am just a bit frustrated. It feels like I should be able to whip something up. The task is not big, it is just new to me.

    Thank you for your reply