It was a mild disagreement related to vertebra and the application of rope.
It was a mild disagreement related to vertebra and the application of rope.
Yep. When RIF was killed, I closed that door immediately (was not easy). It was to be expected though, I think. Once a site reaches critical mass, money interests enter the picture and greed can always screw up a good thing. It’s a shame.
Microsoft was doing the headset? Did they have clippy asking who the soldier wanted to kill that day? Maybe mid-combat blue screens to blind the user? Oh wait, a forced update while it was supposed to determine the trajectory of an incoming mortar…
But what if you don’t like water that’s frozen? Are you going to end up in a detention camp trying to explain that there’s been a big misunderstanding?
I would most definitely not go.
If he thinks I’m scum, that works for me!
I have no idea what that means, but okay. I quit about a decade ago and have since tried a couple times to “get back into it” so I could keep up better with family/friends, but was unable to muster the desire after a day or 2 and would end up forgetting. Doesn’t really feel like I’m missing much overall.
The only way to maintain privacy and job hunt is through a strong social network, and I’m not talking Facebook. When you have enough contacts/friends in a sector, you can ask around.
/cries in Texan
I was in my 20’s, had the bills handled, and my priorities in a funny place.
I once had a 38" in my 3rd floor apartment and had to move to another 3rd floor apartment… No elevators present.
Motherfucker was the operative word.
So they’re going to flush the TP?
Sorry Sally, Geoffrey has to die because a company wanted to make their products utterly dependent on their servers. We’ll bury him in the yard next to Gertrude.
Passenger: “Owwww! That fucking llama bit my arm!”
Airline personnel: “Quick sir, get on the plane before it attacks you again!”
Solving flight anxiety a bite at a time…
The skin tones are getting a lot better. Maybe the next major revision will include lifelike body motions. They’re so close.
You guys understand that even the immigration system is pay-to-win, right? Regardless of what happens, I don’t think Elon will have any issues.
They just need to centralize the brain in some bullet proof bunker and give it sentience. WCGW?
So many fun possible futures right now. Which one will be our fate?
What’s the current Wh/kg average?
Very good splits Hazel, now shit on Julia’s chest. I said give Julia a Cleveland Streamer!!!
I’m in that boat. Outlook’s reporting function died too.