R&D is always a money sink
R&D is always a money sink
A bit out of context without considering that every character he plays is a bad guy. He was one.
And the point is to scare children (his children), so they avoid commiting the same mistakes he did. Any normal adult would notice this, right?
Do not forget phones give location/profile data and can easily extrapolate the people you’re meeting. It doesn’t even need GPS, just need to see which wifi networks are available and compare.
More than listening, it deduces things based on the fingerprints people leave.
Yet you still act like a fucking moron, what is your secret?
Do you also read articles and form an opinion of your own?
Damn, really? That’s craaaazy.
Who do you think made that article?!
Bro, if you’re going to be sarcastic, at least try to sound smart. You just need to read the title to see its fucking propaganda from the opposition.
ITT: People who doesn’t read the article. These science institutions shouldn’t be used for fucking politics.
I wonder if something from the list published in this article has any relation to science or space. Yeah sure, let’s go with “DEI and other Inclusivity programs are NECESSARY for space survival”. I wonder what’s the objective of NASA.
Lol don’t worry, this Astronaut knows pronouns. /s
Interpol getting bribes from companies? Nah, that doesn’t happen.
Yes because never ever an user had abused their OS.
Newsflash honey: it’s a fucking tool, it doesn’t have feelings. It’s your own choice to use it or not.
Man fuck these half baked parasocial analogies.
One thing doesn’t exclude the other.
20 years ago we also thought piracy was dying. Yet here we are.
It’s not hard when you take the first step to admit that a habit is bad and you need to get rid of it. Even if your subconscious tells you not to.
Yeah talked like a kid who haven’t give up anything yet. That shit takes time and I got places to be.
tl;dw: You have a brain for a reason. Use it.
To read? Or to achieve conclusions without reading? Please use it before answering. Fucking moron.
Bro have you ever tried to get rid of a habit? It’s fucking hard.
You missed entirely OP’s point of sticking to things familiar and gradually adapting. Is faster to learn this way.
Me: This new law is against fiction. Your example is for something that’s not fiction. Do you understand the difference?
This is what I mean by your logic. Do you understand the difference between fiction and reality?
I mean, you said that camera thing like it was some kind of mic drop lol
Because surveillance never has been an issue /s. Did you just read the last comment and ignore the rest? One is a real problem, the other is fiction. Do you understand the difference?
Personally I think the Justice system attempting to have a bit of foresight is a good thing
Sure man, let’s make a law about something we know nothing about, what could go wrong.
Nice article, but it’s more like reading stimulus reaction while reconstructing it in a form that’s similar to the original. But it has flaws. Based on the recordings you can make out pretty much any existant song (or memorized recording) but not original thoughts. Everyone can remember the beats of a song, but also everyone makes word associations in different ways, depending on which concepts sticks.
Very cool for an interface tho. It would be possible to use it as base for composers, if it’s possible to interpret original hummings, or beats (what would I know, I’m not a musician), which would require training.
But there is a catch
Continuing to probe musical perception is likely to be difficult because the brain areas that process it are hard to access without invasive methods.
nothing gets out on its own
You’re wasting taxpayers money in fiction and pseudoscience. Every law needs at least one real example of something being done in bad faith or at least proven possible (even if the perpetrator fails at it).
The cameras was just a real example of invasion of privacy. By your logic maybe we need to make laws against time traveling ASAP, considering at any moment time travelers will be more relevant than ever.
You need to start making laws for things that really affects your life right now, instead of fictional maybes.
And Im telling you that is practically impossible to read your mind without committing other known already existing crimes. There is a rule already for it, it’s called basic human rights.
When I say sci fi law, it’s because it’s fiction. This new law is against fiction. Your example is for something that’s not fiction. Do you understand the difference? Do you think this politician forwarding this law understands it?
This is more akin to those old laws of banning all alcohol.
Want your privacy? Should force/convince your countries to ban cameras first*.
Lots of misconceptions here. Brain waves are just the communication between neurons. This is basically internal wiring, everyone is wired differently. Also nothing gets out of your brain on its own, except heat.
A tool like this can only measure regular patterns between humans and compare them. You will only get are interpretations of your brain status. It can’t read your memories nor know if you’re thinking about eating a burger. At most it will get a “you’re hungry” alert. You can train it to be better at figuring you out (or to do other stuff, like controlling a robot), but you won’t get more without a very invasive direct link to your brain (and more training). Which is more like torture at this point.
This new law is just promoting fear for something they don’t even know if it’s possible or not. Very sci fi law.
0 ads too, windows 11 last update. Lemmy circlejerk is pretty much this. These threads are either fake news or ragebait, and the comments are just uninformed/untested opinions.
That without saying that win11 ltsc exists now. At least is something to test.
How many people need to say “I don’t see it” for someone to draw a big ass red circle covering 1/3 of the image?