A lot of those people are pro-facist, they just want a leftist facist regime instead of the right facism we got.
A lot of those people are pro-facist, they just want a leftist facist regime instead of the right facism we got.
I taught business ethnics for MBAs when i was in graduate school.
The only ‘ethics’ they learned was ‘maximize shareholder value at any price’. They spent an entire semester learning to to argue why murdering people and abusing people was morally justified as long as the share price goes up. That was the curriculum. Nothing else mattered.
and make you feel like you are more authentic than people who don’t own vinyl.
all my record owning-friends love to go on about how they are the only folks who ‘really’ appreciate music…
clothing is the biggest cost, then maybe sporting equipment
the reality is that incompetent managers love to blame their employees for not doing shit they never told them to do.
No. They are taught that you can’t do without and you should do whatever you can do to get it. Which means take on massive debt and worry about it later. YOLO
yeah it’s small. don’t have the budget for crazy shit. it’s me and one HR lady. we are a team. this guy was fired for cause, and i was told to find evidence to backup the cause. it was there.
it was walking dead fan fics with themselves inserted as a character fucking the main characters… standard fan fic crap.
it was saved in .txt files for some reason, that was the weird part.
It’s my job to know what the fuck people are doing with our computer systems and if it’s a threat. Using work systems for personal business is grounds for termination. Revealing sensitive company information to your therapist via company email… also grounds for termination. etc.
Just like it’s my job to know if they are looking at porn on company computers. I live in America. GDPR doesn’t exist there and we don’t do any business in Europe.
I’m glad you want to protect idiots from themselves. I don’t. My job is to protect the company from idiots who are doing stupid shit they shouldn’t be doing that may lead to our systems being compromised. kid should have done his banking on his personal cell phone and he might not have been fired. we even offer out of band wi-fi for employees to do shit like that…
It’s in our user policy that we have the right to view anything stored on company equipment and do whatever we want with it. They are repeatedly warned not to do any personal business on company computers.
You can’t fix stupid though. This idiot had his CC info stored in web browser. Least to say… he was fired and I was asked to review his equipment for evidence for termination. He left a fuckload of evidence… lol including his fan-fiction writing.
anything that’s on your work computer is company property.
it’s my job to look at anything on company computers.
my card gets me 3% back on groceries and 5% back on restaurants. i get back $30 each month back in rewards.
it’s scary. I work in IT and many gen Z kids leave their personal financial stuff on work computers…
the spending/debt they are in is nuts… and it’s stupid stupid debt. one kid had $10,000 in credit card debt over 6 months of spending and was making like $100 payments on $1000s per month in spending. the spend like they make $250K a year even though they make 40K. he’s probably 23-25.
it’s a fad in terms of the hype and the superstition.
it won’t go away. it will just become boring and mostly a business to business concern that is invisible to the end consumer. just like every other big fad of the past 20 years. ‘big data’, ‘crypto’, etc.
5 years ago everyone was suddenly a ‘data scientist’. where are they now? yeah… exactly.
that’s not fun and dramatic and clickbaity though
yes, yes, and yes.
and i no longer like any of those things.
yeah. the platforms aren’t so bad in and of themselves, it’s the engagement algorithms that turn everything to shit.
just like IG, YT, video/music stremaing etc. you could stumble upon random and interesting shit… now the algo is just trying to shove kendrick lamar and joe rogan at me none stop because that is what is ‘popular’ and whatever shitty movie that netflix is trying to promote.
browsing is dead and search is also mostly broken. you can’t even effectively search for shit anymore.
the only place i can freely browse anymore is my local library. and discover lots of cool things. that experience on the internet is dead.
the vast majority of nutbags with low key mental issues i meet are social media addicts who furiously want to bring their ‘curated’ image into the real world and force others to worship them.
the others nutbags are homeless folks.
participation in local politics is one.
a handful of loud people can deeply impact your local town operates…