I know. Perhaps Romanian-looking would have been more accurate.
I know. Perhaps Romanian-looking would have been more accurate.
Sorry, bud, Florida says you’re too rapey even for them
On an unrelated note, does anyone else think that Tristan looks like Romanian Ryan Reynolds?
I hope so. Genuinely can’t wait for this AI shit to be over, and i think once they step back so will others
Balding Rapists Using Violence
I believe what dukeofdummies is saying, is that people with a financial cushion have fewer obstacles to acting on ethical principle, whereas your average person living pay check to pay check will be more cautious about whistleblowing because the consequences (loss of employment, vexatious lawsuits, blacklisting) will be felt more severely. Moreso if they have a family to support.
I consider myself to be ethical, but i live in a wage economy. If i see behaviour which needs to be reported, but i believe that the organisation/society will punish me for speaking out, i will wait until I’ve secured an alternative livelihood or am relatively safer before blowing the whistle.
To absolutely nobody’s surprise
We lionise fire fighters because they’re not cops, but inevitably some are still arseholes
My bad, i was unclear. I don’t think chromecast can source NAS. In my experience you can stream to chromecast via a device player, like VLC.
WebOS can also play files direct from a NAS though, but that obviously involves downloading in full to the NAS before playing.
Used to be able to do this before they made you consent to sharing your data for ad purposes. I use a chromecast and a NAS. No issues so far.
It’s satire. Ken is a comedian and LinkedIn is his audience