Fuck him and his stupid ass Reese’s mug.
Fuck him and his stupid ass Reese’s mug.
Holy shit, this is pretty accurate.
No problem at all. I like eSIM. I wasn’t complaining, It just caught me off guard. Why block the physical sim card try? If it’s an option else where, why am I restricted?
Also, I have old parents. It’s not easy for them to figure this out (as much as I try to explain these things to them) if they are traveling abroad. They just see it as barrier instead of just popping in a local sim card.
You know I just realized this myself a month or so ago. I swore my 14 had a SIM card slot. I was arguing about it with a friend. and whatta ya know, it’s “there” just glued in and inaccessible. That is some straight up bullshit.
I have a US factory unlocked iPhone. 🙄
I love coming across this video every once in a while. It slaps every time.
This was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post. It was a real bitch to get to the small battery to power it himself. This was during the pandemic and was the first time I was like “hmmm maybe I don’t want a Tesla”. And, among many other reasons, I do not want a Tesla.
This was the first thing I thought of when I saw this post. It was a real bitch to get to the small battery to power it himself. This was during the pandemic and was the first time I was like “hmmm maybe I don’t want a Tesla”. And, among many other reasons, I do not want a Tesla.
Excuse me my kind gentle person, I believe one says, Fuck Nestle.