“Daaaad, the other kids are being mean to me!”
“Daaaad, the other kids are being mean to me!”
I miss the days when Google would just give a snippet of a Wikipedia article at the top and you just click the “read more” button. It may not have been exactly what you were looking for but at least it wasn’t blatantly wrong. Nowadays you have to almost scroll down to the bottom just to find something relevant.
Yeah, imma have to go through our equipment to find out if they go through with this. If we do have to replace it, this shit is not cheap.
GPS isn’t just for google maps. I’m a land surveyor and we literally use GPS every single day. Without it we’re basically fucked. We do hydrographic surveying and without GPS we’d have to basically go back to analog as 90% of the equipment on our boat would be useless. Good luck figuring out how much water is left in the Colorado river without it.
Im not exactly an expert on this, but i am very familiar with what my job requires. The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) will be completely fucked without it as it’s built on decades of data and monitoring. You can’t just look for “alternatives.” Whatever Elmo has is not robust enough for the precision that is required for what we use GPS for. And without shit like that you couldn’t hit the broad side of a city.
I came from skype so my bar was already pretty low. I’m not defending Discord, by the way. I’ve just been using it to talk to my friends for years because they all had Discord and it was convenient.
I think it’s less about trusting Discord and more about not giving a shit. It does the thing they want it to do and that’s the extent of their consideration. It’s the reason why everyone still uses Windows even though it’s basically spyware at this point. Talking to my friends about it is like talking to a brick wall and they just check out of the conversation.
But the problem I keep running into is getting my friends to switch. They’re not very tech literate as they came from console gaming. I could try to educate them but the response I usually get is “why would I switch to something that might not work when this already works perfectly fine?” And I can’t really argue with it. It’s just not even an issue for them.
I’ve already switched to Linux. The problem I have with this is that all my friends, a Discord server of around 20 people, are not going to be willing to switch. It’s been the way we have stayed in contact for the past 5 years.
I used to. It’s entirely too easy of a program to use.
Jesus fucking Christ, can I not just enjoy one thing in my life without it eventually turning adversarial?
People always say to end toxic relationships. And we are the toxic partner in this relationship. And it doesn’t matter if you didn’t vote for Trump. Unless you are actively doing something against it you are complicit. And when I see pictures and videos or go to one of the 50501 protests I feel proud, but also disappointed. Proud of the people that showed up, but disappointed that more didn’t. And when I see congress holding up tiny signs and wearing pink, I’m proud that they are resisting, but so frustratingly disappointed that they didn’t bring a megaphone and protest like a real American. None of this “high road” or “someone will save us” bullshit anymore.
Act like you are one of the people that is losing their rights. Because if you wait until it’s your rights, there won’t be anyone left to have your back.
I think that’s just a side effect of making new editions for any TCG. If you don’t provide an incentive to get the new hotness no one will buy it.
Commander has always been my least favorite way to play. I have no comment on anything else because I lost interest completely when they started pushing it. But I will say, every time I hear news about it I’m glad that I stopped dumping money into that cash cow of a card game. And from a business standpoint, I feel they’ve shot themselves in the foot. The reason why Pokemon cards are still so widely sought after is because, for the most part, things have stayed the same (And collectors, of course). With MTG there’s basically no point in owning any cards before 2016 since they’re all underpowered or illegal in any formal setting. Besides hardcore collectors, they’re basically just cardboard.
As much as I absolutely hate PewDiePie with every fiber of my being, this is probably the best thing that could happen to Linux’s mainstream popularity. That dude’s got so many followers that it’ll get a lot of people interested.
Which online games are you trying to play? I’ve had pretty decent luck with most online games. Can even play Helldiver’s 2.
Start dual booting with Linux just to give it a try so won’t have to remove Windows as you give it a test drive. That’s what I did and I found out that Linux isn’t as bad or cryptic as some people make it seem. Haven’t even booted into my windows in over a month now.
The optimist in me says they’re doing this to avoid piracy.
The pessimist in me says they’re doing this so they can purge books because of the Trump administration.
Either way, I can’t say I’m a fan.
As someone that has also been bald since I was a teenager, I’ve also gotten used to it. I’ve accepted my fate and I’m fine with being bald.
But at the same time do you ever have those dreams where you have hair again and get super excited about it? Like straight up Jesus hair.
That’s the problem I’ve always had with baldness remedies. Shaving my head every other week takes less effort and saves money. Plus I’ve been bald since highschool so I’m kinda used to it at this point.
That’s only a hundred bucks more than my studio that’s in a bad neighborhood with drugged up neighbors that have not once, not twice, but three times hit the hood of my car with what looks like a metal bat or crowbar. I’ll take an old school any day.
The good thing is I don’t care about cosmetic damage and I have insurance, but it’s the principle of the matter.