ITT: people who apparently think the only online crime is copyright infringement.
ITT: people who apparently think the only online crime is copyright infringement.
Populism requires sacrificial lambs and fascism requires victims.
Yes, you should enjoy it! But it will not get you any invites. Which, incidentally, you should not be asking for in public forums. It’s frowned upon. A lot.
Bandwidth has literally never been a problem on any tracker. BitTorrent made bandwidth concerns obsolete over 20 years ago, as long as files are well-seeded.
You will have to pay your dues like everybody else.
The dangly-but-not-dangling bits of the bracelet bangles appear to be attempting to tunnel into his tattoos. Gravity and anatomy: shit AI doesn’t understand.
Christ those are fucking ugly. Guaranteed to be exclusively worn by elderly people and the worst kind of Trump-humping schmucks.
You should also hate Joe Lieberman. He scuttled a public option for the ACA, which likely would have prevented a lot of the shenanigans insurance companies pull, as they would be competed right the fuck out of business with a robust public option. Japan has private and public insurance and costs are generally low for health care. Most kids get it completely free
At least the yokels stuck it to the libs before they had all their extra-depraved porn taken away.
I don’t care if she wins a billion dollars. Hershey’s can go bankrupt tomorrow. I just know what actual problems look like and a fucking candy wrapper ain’t one of them.
Yes, I read the court filing. The only problem is that the collective value of the suffering caused by this particular false advertising would be worth about a dollar fifty. The only people who win from this kind of lawsuit are the lawyers.
I would not be making fun of this suit if it was about Hershey’s lead and cadmium problem:
Based on the number of downvotes I’m getting, I’m apparently supposed to empathize with a woman with the time and financial resources to finance a frivolous candy lawsuit instead of reporting it to the FTC .
Here’s a little preview of how badly she will have her ass handed to her in court, and this case arguably does involve harm to consumers: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/04/business/wendys-mcdonalds-false-advertising-lawsuit/index.html
The McDonald’s lady required skin grafts. This woman suffered mild disappointment. There is no possible comparison between the two cases. False advertising? Yes. Refer to FTC for penalties. Harm suffered? Virtually zero. This is a frivolous lawsuit and waste of any court’s time.
Good God. Just imagine this incredibly brave Karen’s mental anguish when she bit into this delicious but uncute treat and could not immediately unload her bottomless rage on the nearest assistant manager.
The horror. The horror.
Do we just not fucking do Rule #3 any more?
#3: Do not request or link to specific pirated titles
Your math is correct.
I didn’t say it wouldn’t work, just that it’s shameful…somebody always takes the bait.
This trolling is like squirrel hunting with a howitzer. No subtlety. No skill. Pathetic. You should be ashamed of your weak, baby-like troll-fu.
Can confirm group-watching with Plex. I did this quite a few times with some friends during the darkest initial pandemic times and it’s a great way to connect with distant friends. I also recommend, as someone mentioned, a simultaneous discord chat. We exclusively watched horrible movies and MST3K’d the shit out of them.
This is such a bad take it seems like deliberate misinformation.
Signal is open-source software maintained by a non-profit. User data is not stored on Signal servers, they have no way to access messages as they are stored and encrypted on your phone. If the Signal Foundation were revealed as bad actors then the open-source code could be forked to a new project.
Feel free to fully evaluate their code here: https://github.com/signalapp