*waiting patiently for EU to catch on to this.
Google may not like the outcome…
*waiting patiently for EU to catch on to this.
Google may not like the outcome…
Dunno if you’re taking the piss but they’re not that bad. Have an iPhone mini 13 I bought for €450 2nd hand with 100% battery health. Decent upgrade from an Xperia XZ1 compact. Needed a pocketable phone & the Asus Zenfone was too expensive.
Have to say, having the call audio levels, proximity sensor & speakers properly tuned to the hardware, software/security updates without having to run a non-official build of Lineage OS and AltStore-Linux for side-loading has been sweet.
Oh yeah I didn’t even register that! Yea, that’s a pile of shite all right
Is it an Intel GPU? I’ve a Dell with an Intel hd620 that won’t do 4k60 over HDMI on Linux/Win/Mac(osx86).
Needs DisplayPort to reach 4K60hz.
Yea that’s the problem isn’t it. I had a great idea involving bullshit-efying my comments by editing them slowly with a LLM via long running script and repeatedly over months.
I realised that they probably don’t delete the original text on edit anyway which, as you say is probably buried in a backup someplace.