Are you writing like this to set yourself apart from AI/LLMs?
Are you writing like this to set yourself apart from AI/LLMs?
the sky was clear for about an hour before totality, and then about 15 minutes before, a big dark cloud came in and ruined it.
Yup, that was exactly my experience too (in northern France in August 1999).
This far from Klingon space?
I wish to live in a society in which this question is a moot point. Creators should have the freedom to create without having to worry about the goodwill of their audience, or worse, marketing strategies. Fans should have the freedom to access art without having to worry about the well-being of the creator, or worse, suffering guilt. Anything that is not aimed at creating and maintaining this state of being is inhumane.
I applaud your success! I’m curious though: what is it about C# that made it inaccessible compared to Java? The two are extremely similar, so much so that I think you’d have to learn for more than a year before you start noticing any differences.
Because without it, the DOJ would have no control over you, duh
I assume that banning all robocalls requires new legislation, whereas the regulation mentioned here didn’t.
I’m curious: what modern features are you looking for when setting your house on fire?
This obviously assumes that you know exactly what metadata you want to eliminate and how to view it.
The OP’s whole point of asking is that they don’t know the former.
YouTube should just be government-run. No ads. Content creators can make money from sponsorships and Patreon. Which, incidentally, should also be government-run. And Twitter. These modern technologies should simply be public goods.
Thanks for the pointer, I agree with you now. What I get for giving people a shred of the benefit of the doubt…
I don’t believe that’s what they were saying. They were saying that transphobes often use the phrase to shut down conversation about their transphobic comments. That doesn’t mean anyone who uses the phrase is a transphobe using it for that purpose.
I’ve not heard of a show called “Star Trek New Generation”. Are you thinking of “Star Trek: The Next Generation”?
Are you sure you’re a fan?
Hot take: you don’t need a microwave oven at all. I’ve been living without one for 12 years now and I don’t miss it. It’s surprisingly rare for the instructions on food packaging to require a microwave; they almost always have options for ovens or stoves, too.
Sometimes it’s the operator in the projection booth doing the recording, not a visitor in the theater.
Have you tried Star Trek Prodigy? It definitely has much less of the woke angle you describe compared to Discovery and Picard.
Edit to clarify: I have no issue with diversity and representation, obviously. In fact, I’m more annoyed by the right’s misappropriation of the word “woke” than I am with shows that are hamfisted about it. Nor do I think that Prodigy is any less Star Trek. I just like the writing more and think that its representation is well executed.
Not with that attitude