That 25% magic number
That 25% magic number
The tragedy of the Edmund Fitzgerald -shakes head-
Uranus is now OURanus.
Just got Risk of Rain 2 and am enjoying it much more than I thought I would! Usually shooters aren’t my thing.
One’s in the morgue and the other’s in jail
Shoulda kept 'em separated.
I mostly get stuff about parrots and cake decorating.
I think that you mentioned that the application might be narrow, and they wanted to chime in on how it might personally have helped them. They aren’t arguing, just adding.
Absolutely. And not that it matters, but my wedding was less than a grand.
I also understand the need to evaluate my decisions, and weigh my influences, and even still I recognize that my choices are a result of who I am and I am the sum of my experiences. I know that my experiences and upbringing and societal expectations shape my decisions.
Off topic, are you aware of systems engineering processes for safety such as MSDS sheets, or lock out tag out procedures? Just culture in aviation? Social determinants of health? My point is nothing exists in a vacuum.
I’m sad for them.
If they blame trends on individuals I wonder where they think health epidemics come from. Or other things that are way more important than weddings. Neglecting system factors I could imagine comes with a side of immense blame and, assuming the self awareness to direct it internally, guilt.
I’m saying they (we) aren’t capable of making decisions in a vacuum, void of all influence of external factors, because no human being is. We are the sum of our experiences.
Everybody is a product of their circumstances. To think otherwise is at best naive, and at worst willfully ignorant of your own privilege that you aren’t subject to the same circumstances. Yes, each of us choose our own actions, and have to deal with the consequences thereof- but actions are done for a reason, and this reason is not always within an individual’s control, but rather is them trying to do what is best for them with the information they have available.
In this case, weddings have been marketed to a certain demographic. Marketing tends to work- but in this case even moreso due to centuries of societal condition. Heard the term “old maid?”
Fashion is cyclical, as they say.
Sorry, I meant that in response to “they have nothing to lose”. They still have one vehicle line, but it was slightly facetious because I don’t think they have much if anything else.
They still have the Pacifica…
I think there’s a disclaimer with all AI summaries. Although, I just tried googling United airlines and there is no longer an AI summary, only a message directly from their website.
Eh… If full self driving got to where it needs to be then it would be safer for everyone if all vehicles were full self driving.
The safest driver is a predictable driver. When vehicles are subject to algorithms and are programmed to obey the laws of the road, and have open constant communication of their intentions with other vehicles, you can’t get any more predictable than that.
I say this as someone who drives for a living, too. I don’t think it’s happening any time soon, but full autonomous would be way safer than people.
“No longer in a relationship; wants belongings from the apartment,” Apple AI summarized
The actual summary for those interested.
Chevrolet Caprice? The impala also had a bench seat option in the front to the 90s I think
But how would he get in the fridge?