Trump, say it, Trump.
Trump, say it, Trump.
Calling for evidence against a known felon isn’t gonna get you anywhere in this part. Hello, who you talking to, a stinking liberal Democrat voter. I have faith in who knows whats right. The voter.
Wrong again, you belong to this movement of voter suppression tactics and you’re showing that your anti- democratic arguments actually fall right in line with right wing vote suppression tactics . Keep using your shield of equivalency. I call it like I see it.
Feel free to check, I’ve been called y’all out since day one of the respectable Ms. Harris’s candidacy
So, you’re asking Democrats to make their voice heard and not vote Kamala. Who’s gonna be the one to answer then?
Put any spin you want on it, a vote against Kamala is a vote for Trump. Now shush you insipid tankie.
How many electoral votes did ole Ross get?
Since tankies thrive on open questions I will answer myself. 0 , H. Ross Perot got 0 electoral votes in his only full candidacy for president. That is the % chance that a third party candidate has in the U.S. For anyone not familiar with U.S. elections that wishes to chime in.
Wrong, electoral college has you on rails in the U.S. ther are no thirds and never have been.
Hey look, it’s the person that’s exactly what they are sarcasticly talking about. Throw away your vote if you want. It don’t work that way here.
What’s stupid about protesting Zionist occupation? I don’t think I even have to touch your comment history to figure out how you align.
So you have a problem with someone actively trying to preserve Palestinian life and livelyhood, while you sit behind a keyboard and be much higher and mightier. Sorry we don’t suit your standards.
I’m going to avoid the low hanging fruit of you taking the credit for Biden for the sake of Palestine and try to appeal to your sense of reason. This war in Palestine,like so many others around the world, is NOT something you get to vote on. Isreal is a near century old institution fully backed by the U.S. government. The vested money that goes into the continuing strife in the middle East has corrupted EVERY political candidate that has come to the forefront of U.S. politics. You won’t find a candidate out there that will openly oppose Israel.
Person of Color: Gets presidential nomination
Some rando edgester on the internet: wOuLD SoMebODy ThiNk Of tHe BlAcKs!!
Capture the man and exile him to an island. Start a reality show where contestants are gradually moved onto the island with him one by one. He will establish a new form of governance and be given the keys to the next presidency as a reward for a certain benchmark of success in creating a new functional democracy. Lol
I guess I thought it was the primary data storage dump. My point is that your data is already sent before you had a choice.
Hmm didn’t know iCloud was on device…
I think what they are obsessed with is capitalizing on every new tech trend as fast as they can, security be damned.
Racist with a side of greed for oil.
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