They’re worth what you can sell them for. The US dollars they’re priced in don’t exactly inspire confidence these days, either.
They’re worth what you can sell them for. The US dollars they’re priced in don’t exactly inspire confidence these days, either.
Cyclist-years is a unit that has served us well for generations
Actually murder is a good thing if the victim is unpopular
People will use whichever tool is available to them in order to oppress others, Islam isn’t special
I think it would technically be a reverse takeover
I’m starting to dislike this guy
The Expanse is great
Read the room, man
Our eyes are also much older now
Haha truth. Unlocking my phone at night is a high-risk maneuver.
Unless Panama stole itself from Colombia when they won their independence I don’t think you can really call this stealing on the part of the US, either
Bro just use Proton, it’s unbelievable how well it works these days
And this is before they hit you with the ol’ surprise brokerage fees.
Well that’s fucked up
Did they steal his accreditation?
As a liberal I would be so fucking owned by this
Candy is serious business
I, too, unironically support free speech on principle