Sure, if bombs count as aid…
Sure, if bombs count as aid…
I have been using Firefox as the default browser on my iPhone for a while now. It wasn’t complicated to setup either.
Absolutely despicable thing to do. As if carpet bombing civilians isn’t enough, we have to make a game out of it, like we are not talking about human souls perishing day in, day out.
What you described there is a war crime: International humanitarian law posits that no person may be punished for acts that he or she did not commit.
Article 33 - Individual responsibility, collective penalties, pillage, reprisals No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited. Pillage is prohibited. Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.
Source: Geneva Conventions (GCIV Art. 33).
Nothing to be confused about.
Supporting Palestine and Palestinians is not the same as supporting Hamas. I can’t believe we have to keep repeating that.
The one and only party here that is ethnically cleansing the land and committing genocide is Israel, not Palestine.
It’s pretty simple really.
I’ll repeat a comment I made a while ago:
“Please move over there to that big X on the ground, and we will definitely not bomb it.
-Sincerely the IOF”
B’tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories says the following:
Although Israel declared an end to its military administration in Gaza, it continues to control critical aspects of life there. It controls all border crossings by land, apart from Rafah, as well as Gaza’s sea and air space. This control allows Israel to exclusively monitor the movement of people and goods in and out of Gaza, which it regulates according to Israeli interests. This holds true even when Gaza residents wish only to transit through Israel in order to reach the West Bank or other countries.
Regarding moving of the goal post, you brought up Egypt, not me.
If you want to continue discussing in good faith, please stick to the talking points.
It seems you haven’t read any of the linked articles, so there is no need to talk about this any further until you do.
So because Egypt isn’t doing enough, Israel isn’t to blame? Right. Solid argument.
What Egypt does or doesn’t do does not in any way negate the fact that Israel is completely out of line.
What an argument “but look at them, they are also bad, which means the even badder guys must not be as bad”.
If you read the charter, you can see that if any of these things apply, it can be labelled a genocide. And you pick one and say “you need to provide proof”, glossing over the glaring fact that even without, it already counts as a genocide.
But sure, if you insist;
You mean right to defend itself under Article 51 of the UN charter, right?
That doesn’t apply if you’re an occupying force. And for anyone saying “Israel doesn’t occupy Gaza, there are no Israeli officials there” if you control movement, water, gas, power, food supplies, where civilians can and can’t travel to, and the territory is not allowed to exist independently, all of that “right to defend yourself” is null and void.
So, let’s look at the definition of genocide and see where Israel lands here.
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Source: the UN
So; let’s have a quick look at these points:
(1) Over 11,000 deaths, majority of civilians. And I’m just talking about deaths since Oct 7, I did not include any numbers from before that. Check.
(2) Illegal occupation and cutting off food, water, electricity and free movement. Check.
(3) Unknown to me.
(4) Unknown to me.
The head of the UN, Craig Mokhiber, just retired and called it unequivocally a genocide, here’s a source for that, but if you don’t like this source, you can just Google this and find plenty of other sources.
So, please tell me. How does Israel not fit as a genocidal regime?
Oh look, one genocidal country helping the other, making genocide easier…
Oh no! Anyway
When speaking about laws and regulations, sure. That can absolutely be harmful. But if someone wants to hold the personal belief there is a God out there who watches over them, I don’t see a problem. If it comforts someone, good for them.
If they like to believe humans and dinos roamed the earth together, why not?
it is in fact a disservice to them to pretend it’s okay to go through life believing these things.
Can you help me understand why is it a disservice?
It sounds like they had a really bad backup system for this to happen.
No one will ever trust them with their data and email again, so they might as well close their doors straight away. It’s unfortunate but a mistake like this is likely gonna cost you your business.
It’s been around a lot longer than 1 month ago lol, I learned about it a couple years ago.
What a bunch of fucking cowards, hiding behind their flash bangs and guns while they harass people at a wedding