No need to prove it, that’s not my point
No need to prove it, that’s not my point
Not sure what you mean exactly
Not just deleted, but yes, or a way to check
One thing I miss in activitypub is a verification system. This is most important for deletion. For example, when something is deleted on one instance, there’s no way of knowing for sure if it will be deleted from other instances as well. An instance being down or malfunctioning can cause deletion to fail with no way to know* and try again for op.
*To know one would have to check every single subscribing instance. Trying to delete an already deleted item is obviously impossible
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
What’s for dinner tonight, I wonder
It is. And this isn’t just in Europe. I look wherever I go when I see electronics shops, I just want to try one before buying it
Most mobile phone stores sadly only sell big brands noeadays. I’ve been looking for a store that sells Sony, haven’t found one yet
What we need is a chatgpt bot, so that when they use our content, they’re using their own
Hijacking your question, is it possible to install Linux on Samsung tablets? Check out this guy who does pyrolysis in his back yard