Don’t take my word for it, you can read what they said about it here. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Don’t take my word for it, you can read what they said about it here. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.
As I understand it that has more to do with covering their ass. They haven’t changed their practices.
Excuse me, you misspelled Margarine Trailer Queen.
Huhyulk! Goarsh!
There was the iPhone 13 Mini. It’s adorably small. But it didn’t sell well so they stopped making the Mini line.
How can it be trained to produce something without human input.
It wasn’t trained to produce every specific image it produces. That would make it pointless. It “learns” concepts and then applies them.
No one trained AI on material of Donald Trump sucking on feet, but it can still generate it.
I wish real-life tyrants were more like Vetinari.
People like to hang out at airport viewing areas to watch planes land, and some film them. It’s fun. I’ve done it a few of times, though admittedly I didn’t film them.
Edit: Though actually this is filmed from another aircraft, it seems. Maybe filming because of how bad the conditions were? Not sure.
Yeah, I do wish they hadn’t killed the pressure button. But I tend to swipe anyway.
I jumped from the Voyage to the Paperwhite when they switched to USB-C and added a warmth slider for the screen. It’s really nice, especially with an origami case (even if that case isn’t as nice as the origami case for the Voyage).
Whatever happened to Ameristralia? Wasn’t that a thing back on The Old Site for a while?
Storms I hope that’s true.
It’s been a long day without you my friend…
I despise commercials generally. But the Super Bowl is when marketers used to bring their A-game, with a very different feel from usual ads.
Now they just bring A-listers instead, put them on the screen and say, “Look who we hired! Now buy our product.”
They have to. She’s naked, that’s pornography.
Shit, even Apple lets you reprogram the Action Button, insofar as you can program anything on iOS (which isn’t nothing, Shortcuts scripting can be pretty detailed).
Crematoriums don’t use the body as fuel. They burn way hotter. Otherwise you wouldn’t have everything becoming ash.