For python, see which one they use and secretly replace a single indentation with the other.
For python, see which one they use and secretly replace a single indentation with the other.
You can also do target date funds. Each one indicates the projected year you expect to retire. As you get older, it shifts more to safer investments like bonds. The idea is invest in the stock market when you are young and don’t expect to use the money soon. You are able to hold through downturns in the market and returns have historically always trended up despite the occasional drops. When you are near retirement and expect to be using the money you can’t always afford to wait it out so you should invest in things that are more stable but have lower returns like bonds. Target dates have slightly higher fees and you should always check what the fees are before you invest, but they are very set it and forget it.
I’m curious if the problem is how bright LED lights are or something else. I recently bought a car and it has an automatic brights option. Basically, it switched on the brights automatically for some situations. I turned it off because I felt it was turning them on when I didn’t need them.
import antigravity
Yeah, except they are using the new buzzword technology to try and do it. What tools are they using? What testing have they done on them? What is the false positive rate? The MO of this administration has been to use a sledgehammer for issues that require a scalpel. You don’t have to be a part of Hamas or a supporter of terrorism to have opinions on current events. How do we make sure this doesn’t turn into a McCarthy style witch hunt?