makes people in other countries think they will step off the plane into a shootout.
They should probably not be stepping off a plane into the US right now anyways. It’s not safe for non USians to visit.
makes people in other countries think they will step off the plane into a shootout.
They should probably not be stepping off a plane into the US right now anyways. It’s not safe for non USians to visit.
Patsy, Fall guy, rube
There goes the last 24 hour pharmacy in my city. The hospital doesn’t even have a 24 hour pharmacy. What’s the point of having 24 hour urgent care if I can’t get a script filled.
So you are saying a Gay dropped the atomic bomb and won the war? Holy shit no wonder they want it wiped from history, they hate the gays.
That’s 2 heading cards, one is set as the title and the other as subtitle. The title has the navigation option turned on to navigate to that room. And the subtitle is just filled with entities. I then use a entities card set with just the divider. It’s a messy way to do it but it was the best I could figure.
Just to give an idea what I use it for based on my Home Dashboard
Office is under remodel which is why the sensors are offline.
Been using it for awhile now. Do we have a way to use our phones as the play yet? I want to be able to listen on my phone with headphones or even in my car with Android Auto. I would love to be able to delete my Spotify app. I still use the service because the radio feature is still much better than MA. But once I can do everything that Spotify can be I can cancel my Spotify account.
Well VW is still around. Maybe Teslas will be classic cars in 80 years.
/s: They will all self immolate.
American cheese used to cost more than eggs. Now cheese is 10x cheaper than eggs. New throwables just dropped.
I don’t print that often but I do have a calendar event to tell me to print something monthly. This could be a nice side project for someone to write a program that sends a print to your printer on a schedule to keep the heads clear. Wastes paper but at least the heads won’t dry out.
Nope, did that. Even went as far as demanding my radio be deleted from their system. As we have no gdpr protections and I am not in California they refuse to delete it. And they continue to send the weather alerts.
Wish I could figure out how to do that in my 2020 Pacifica. That fucker has pop up weather alerts that never stop. Idk why the car thinks it needs to tell me the weather. I am driving maybe I am driving away from that. Or you know I ALREADY know the weather because I use a phone. My car has no business having a pop up with the weather.
Oops the stream hallucinated and mutated into a horror show with women with nipples that are mouths and dicks with eyeballs.
Ok I checked it out, why are there so many people with boobs and with 3 foot cocks? Talk about unrealistic body expectations.
I buy hard drives, it is the best way to own a physical copy of media. Arr
Arr, those be the high seas now
“Time flows like a river, and history repeats.” -Secret of Mana
I bought a few of the pressure pads used for heated seats in cars and then hooked it up to a zigbee door window sensor. I just soldered the sensor ends to the reed switch. I use them for smart fatigue mats so my work bench powers up when I step on the mat and then 20min of non stepping has it power off the bench. Keeps me from forgetting to turn off my bench PSU and solder iron.
I brows Lemmy by all and then I filter out the communities I don’t want to see. This lets me see the new communities that pop up and decided if I want to sub to them. I have around 300 blocked.