So long as your own lawyer isn’t doing the same, of course :)
So long as your own lawyer isn’t doing the same, of course :)
True, but one is a situation, and the other is a person. I didn’t know that the existence of Xi Jinping was a controversial idea in China…
Do you mean abx.digitalfeed.net?
You’re lucky then. I have had multiple flatmates who don’t understand what a nonstick pan is, scraped the pans up, and continued to use them. Despite warning.
I like how he went from the Caesar cut and bland shirt to the style of what current-day 16-20 year old guys are rockin.
And by “like,” I mean that I’m glad he still looks uncanny despite how normal his new style is, because he’s a POS and nobody should sympathize with him.
Thank you, awesome! I will definitely check out this material :)
Hello programmers…
I recently took a course that went through basic python, C, and C++.
I had a hard time implementing various forms of sorting functions by hand (these were exercises for exam study). Are there any resources you folks would recommend so that I can build a better grasp of sorting implementations and efficiency?
Same story here. You described it perfectly. Mitutoyo comes next.
This may or may not help, but a nickel is very close to 5 grams. You may be able to slap something silly together with a bunch of nickels taped together :P
Nope, still need that training data to sell to self-driving car tech.
I did some digging. It’s a parody finance website that makes it seem like you can invest in falcons and make a blockchain (flockchain) with them. Dig a little further, go to the linked forum, and you’ll see it’s just a community of people shitposting (mostly).
I’m assuming you were stoned and simply poking fun.
Well, silly me, I should have specified that I did my calculation with signed long, though it shouldn’t affect the outcome much given my rounding at the hundreds.
I like the idea of beer debt to the wall, though!
Unfortunately the bar was built on long int so it overflowed 23 times and landed on about 1.2 billion.
One billion, two-hundred fifteen million, seven-hundred fifty-two thousand, two-hundred-something bottles of beer on the wall, one billion, two-hundred fifteen million, seven-hundred fifty-two thousand, two-hundred-something bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around…
One less bottle of beer on the wall :)
I got a 12700KF for free.
I’m not one to complain about that :)
Exactly. I know plenty of people who have driven a car for over 3 decades, and do not know what a timing belt or a spark plug does. I don’t look down on those people, but it certainly makes sense as to why they don’t know. They don’t really need to!
This is a bold statement considering how many daily Windows users don’t understand how to use Windows.
Crazy how you managed to photoshop the decimal point to the left by so many digits!
(I know, it’s only a partial payment)
No, it’s $31.07. You likely combined the 92 cents and 18 cents to a dollar instead of a dollar and 10 cents.
Heroes of Lemmy