Not surprised. As soon as most people have a few extra bucks laying around it gets blown on something.
Not surprised. As soon as most people have a few extra bucks laying around it gets blown on something.
Action with a lot of caveats is the best call for the average citizen. Christie has it right. The caveats must protect the American taxpayer, all levels of the middle and working classes lifestyles, maintain our current energy needs, allow us to continue to enjoy our lives and of course not raise energy costs. If they can get all that done and it’s transparent then great. Go for it. But, people that worked hard to own a moderately nice home with some property are not giving it up due to some green sales pitch. We don’t want to be forced to drive junk EVs. We don’t want to shut the AC off in the middle of summer. We like our gas stoves. Stuff like that. Hands off.
What’s a little better though? They can improve their situation and then they’ll make more naturally. I’d rather see the solution come from that end. Why don’t high schools stop pushing overpriced college as the only valid option for students? Community college should be free for everyone. Let’s generate a more talented workforce. Maybe I’m too old but all of these burger joint and coffee shop jobs were never designed or intended to be one’s final career path.
I won’t disagree with all of this. It just doesn’t seem fair to the guy or gal that truly earned their $23 an hour versus someone that just walks in the door and gets it. And, I can’t buy that people don’t have the time or money to better themselves. It’s a choice what you do with your time. Classes can be taken at night or part time. Trade schools and community colleges are NOT expensive and many trade schools are hurting for people and will train you for free, basically.
Yeah, my Beemer and big house was an exaggeration but the idea remains intact. Entry level, menial labor jobs were never designed to sustain families. They are first jobs that many of us had. The idea that they should overpay just doesn’t work for me.
Maybe. Im also for higher wages. But NOT when its forced or the wages dont reflect the skill level of the work. The idea is that you should improve your skill set so you’ll be more valuable to the job market. Continuing education, college, trade schools, whatever. Thats how we all did it. But, newer generations seem to think that Starbucks or McDonalds is supposed to provide enough income for a nice suburban house, Beemer, etc. Doesnt work that way. Those are temp jobs for teens and retirees.
Where is the outrage from the left then? They usually hate the military and spending any money on it. Oh wait… this is being funded by corrupt Joe. It’s OK then. My bad.
Great. Already overpriced, shit coffee will now double in price so purple haired college grads with degrees in gender studies can be overpaid. This just in: jobs like Starbucks weren’t meant to be the end all in life. You’re supposed to better yourself so you’re worth more on the job market and get paid more for natural reasons. Best of luck with all of this.
Not using race to determine college admissions versus merit is a Nazi thing? Is that what you’re going with? I see you’ve clearly thought this through. You also must have no knowledge of how Nazis actually worked. Try Google.
Relax. Why are you so angry?
If some kooky greenies dislike it then it must be a good thing.
Arguing in good faith? You mean fanning the flames of the “victim” mentality. Thats fine. You choose to be a victim or take control of your life. Thats it.
I am what I eat. 😜
They have a “systemic” culture problem too that only they can fix. There isnt a Govt. program for that though. It has to come from within. There are success stories coming from poorer communities which means it CAN be done. Millions of people from all walks have escaped poverty and while they may not all end up at Harvard, they’ve done quite well for themselves & didnt use some “fake” merit system to get there. Lifes not fair and wealthy people always have advantages. Its not a race thing either. Rich black people’s kids are better off than poor or middle class white kids too. Thats life. Put effort in and sacrifice a bit. Then, you reap the rewards.
This country has more opportunities than anywhere to make something of yourself. Color is irrelevant and only used as a “victim” ploy by politicians.
Good. Using race to determine admissions eligibility is, well, racist. Sorry, facts. If it’s not 100% merit based then it’s a compete sham. Using race for anything is simply wrong and goes against the very idea of NOT judging someone by their race. Can’t believe it took this long. Now, get rid of affirmative action in job hiring, promotions and everything else.
This article is just a heavily slanted opinion. Oh and there is no reason to go to an Ivy League school anyways. A local community college or state school is just fine. Or, better yet, try a trade school And make great money with union benefits. Zero debt. No wasted time taking pointless classes.
Right. Massive piss away of taxpayer money. This whole thing is a total sham. Biden and Zalensky are best buds now. How wealthy is Zalensky now? Is he on the Forbes list yet?
Public schools have no business in having any religious or political leanings or teachings. Kids holding hands of different races doesnt feel like its in violation of any of the previously mentioned items so I dont see the problem.
This is what bad policies do over time. Too bad, such a beautiful and historic city & its ruined. This has nothing to do with capitalism though. Nice try.
That sucks. So, people that worked and EARNED the right to live somewhere nice with property to enjoy now have to watch their property values tank along with having riff raff move into their neighborhood. Yeah, great. Now, that nice suburban home that someone worked hard for to buy is next to subsidized rentals.
Zoning laws are great and people need to fight to keep them. The goal should be to get people to improve their financial position so they can afford to live in the burbs too.
No…taxing them doesnt get rid of them. Rich people have plenty of money to pay fees/fines/penalties. That being said, there is no reason for overly draconian measures either. This climate thing is a tad oversold. Sensible, affordable solutions that dont wreck our way of life can work. Nothing more than that.
Petrol vehicles arent outdated, LOL. They are very necessary for a multitude of reasons. Recently, even the CEO of Ford struggled mightily on a recent trip with an EV pickup. EVs are fine for quick errands, for driving to work/school, etc. They suck as recreational vehicles, sports cars, larger volume transport and various other things. Evs can co-exist with ICE vehicles. Thats the best were gonna do. Oh and BTW - we can NOT supply the electricity needed to charge a full fleet of EVs anyways. Just forget it.
Gas stoves are still preferred by many people and thats their right. They are not outdated either. While I own an electric stove, I dont have any problem with people choosing gas. What happens when the power goes out and we all have electric furnaces & stoves? Oops. That sucks.