Perhaps there’s a danger that, by normalising self-identification as a thief, campaigns like this might have unanticipated societal results.
I’d hate to see shoplifting/burglary/mugging stats climbing in a few years time.
A Brit in Helsinki who likes games, tech and burgers.
Perhaps there’s a danger that, by normalising self-identification as a thief, campaigns like this might have unanticipated societal results.
I’d hate to see shoplifting/burglary/mugging stats climbing in a few years time.
Ah yes, a statement on copyright thanking someone for buying an authorised edition of Great Expectations, a book whose copyright expired in 1940 at the latest…
Not that I disagree with the rest of your comment, but
No way any normal person would say no to 2mil.
No way would I want the stress or weight on my conscience of having just stolen 2 mil.
In my opinion, anyone who would take that money is the abnormal one.
I mostly use desktop mode for messing about with things like emudeck and creating and forgetting an su password.
I’m no spring chicken myself. I started gaming on the Atari VCS, so I’m no stranger to bad graphics.
As for a third person camera, I’ve not actually played the game yet, but it is apparently possible to pay through the game in third person mode.
Ok. I’m just pointing out that it’s a “true” RPG, so if you want to play it as a Kung Fu comedy, you can.
I watched his Hit and Run remake videos from the beginning, and it’s not really about the end product - he made it clear from the beginning that that project was never going to be released.
Mostly, it seems to be about selling his “learn how to make Unreal games” courses and Unreal plugins.
The videos were fun in their own right, to be honest.
I suspect it will come somewhere between the two, something like two and a half to three years.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Steam Deck 2 towards the end of next year.
Edge also supports uBlock Origin, but because it’s Chromium-based it faces the same issues as Chrome regarding Manifest V3.
Actually, you’re right, but it couldn’t be closer. The show starts at 5:02AM on his fiftieth birthday.
Walter was in his 40s at the beginning of the series.
Walter was almost in his 40s at the beginning of the series.
Can confirm, just checked Disney+, all the episodes are there as well as the Finnish dubs (at least in Finland).
I don’t know where you are, but it looks like Disney+ publishes all the dubs as alternate audio tracks so there’s a good chance you can get it from Disney+ as long as it’s available in your country.
I suppose it’s all a trade-off, and each of us has to try to make informed choices based on what matters most to them. I don’t think there’s a right answer.
Qwant sends data to Bing ads, and didn’t tell its users about it for five years.
Yandex is a Russian company with strong government links that I wouldn’t trust in any way.
Bing Chat is great, and at work we use M365, so I can easily search for work content through Bing too.
Bing Rewards are also a nice bonus.
Non-Steam games can be a bit of a pain, and the biggest issue for me is the lack of native Game Pass support.
Otherwise, it’s been fantastic for me. Performance is way better than specifications might suggest, so it’s not like you’re limited to simple games.
The best thing is being able to game in bed.
If only there was a good (non streaming) way to get access to Game Pass games on Deck without installing Windows.
While I appreciate a 60fps experience as much as the next gamer, this game targets 30fps on consoles. A 60 fps guarantee for Verified status is totally unrealistic.
I agree that there needs to be some sort of performance standards, but not everything has to run at 60 fps to give an absolutely fantastic experience. 30fps (as long as it’s a solid 30 fps) can do that too.