I believe nvidia said there will be low 5090 stock for 2 weeks. Can’t explain the other cards tho.
I believe nvidia said there will be low 5090 stock for 2 weeks. Can’t explain the other cards tho.
Jami is good if you cant local network sync. Basically the same as simplex but more steps to make a new account.
Jami is good if you cant local network sync. Basically the same as simplex but more steps to make a new account.
USB C is harder to plug in than A when I can’t see the port. If A was reversable I would prefer it on desktop computers.
If I want to share something with a friend, I can invite them to note chats or bulk forward files. Messages are separate, I can forward individual message rather than all messages. It’s more continent than notes apps I’ve tried.
Friends used telegram so I had the app installed. It was easier to store documents in telegram than in one drive or proton drive, so telegram became my go too. Obviously not the best setup, but it worked and was easy. I’ll try out Signal and Matrix, but continence is a big factor in my choice.
Don’t Redmi phones require an online account to unlock the bootloader?
Why did you stop using the G5?
Arm based platform with modern games over cell connection.
I consider this comment naive. Microsoft selling a powerful arm based handheld might be extremely successful and totally viable. They have already done the rnd for x86 backwards compatibility on arm and have a close relationship with Qualcomm.
Do I upvote this post if I disagree or only if I know most people disagree with it?
My understanding is that flash was under ordered so SSD prices will be high for a long while.
You can also use PocketPal. Works offline.