I get that you have no experience trying to play this game skillfully and don’t really care about the concept of fair competition but I can promise you, the competitive players would still dunk on you with every mechanic turned on. Because without the gimmicks you actually have to learn the base mechanics to win which Carrie’s to any game mode.
They know more about the game then you so they know how abusable the item system can be and how obstructive stage hazards can get. They’re looking to compete, not just dick around with friends so of course they’d look for the most equal ground to see who’s better.
Probably because they’re a tankie actually. The kind of person whose ideology makes their perspective on America intensely hypocritical. It also incentives them to frame the situation disingenuously.
Obviously getting bombed and losing two full cities had nothing to do with their calculations of course, it could never be a complex situation with many angles. It was only because a country that spent tens of millions of lives fighting another front declared war. The nation that they recently trounced in their last encounter. Nothing to do with city erasing wmds.
Ps if you care about the worst casualties talk about the Tokyo firebombing. Blows the nuke death count out of the water but it wasn’t flashy so debate bros don’t care.