Poor Bernie should be retired and living in Florida having sweaty octegenarian orgies, but instead America’s collective stupidity has been forcing him to try to single-handedly save the country from itself for the last 30 years.
Poor Bernie should be retired and living in Florida having sweaty octegenarian orgies, but instead America’s collective stupidity has been forcing him to try to single-handedly save the country from itself for the last 30 years.
musk is fast catching up to trump for the title of “least credible person in the world.”
Is it not already? Or does it need a few more weeks to beat trump’s first term?
I don’t see your case? I’m a strong believer in socialism, but I don’t think anyone needs communism. Are you even clear on what you mean by communism?
At least they didn’t just leave it in the closest empty parking space, like literally everyone around here does. 😡
Current democrats? Fuck almost all of those guys. But a populist, ground up movement would have an easier time taking over the existing infrastructure of the party than starting a new party from scratch. I think that should be the goal. Like red map did to republicans, but with intelligent, reasonable people instead of the human garbage that now make up the right wing.
So, I guess in light of this new information, it would be appropriate to add trump to the monument after all???
I’m not an America hater. My wife is American, our kids were born in America, and I lived there for 10 years and have many fond memories. But I’m absolutely disgusted by what it’s become, and by everyone who supports it. I’ll never set foot there again and neither will my wife, by her own vow.
I’d love to see a higher level of cooperation between all world leaders to the specific exclusion of the US, to make it clear that putting this repugnant imbecile in a position to bully smaller countries to the advantage of his oligarch friends is unacceptable. The US wants to punish the world with trump, the rest of the world needs to punish the US for trump.
Well duh. Right now the cracks are spreading, but the US as a state is still holding. Once those cracks spread far enough it’ll all come down, and quickly.
I lived in America for a decade and my wife is American. Thankfully I got our family out before trump’s first rampage. I’ve despised republicans since not long after I arrived there and figured out what they’re really about, and I watched them lose their minds during the Obama years. But watching now, as republicans openly vote to cut real programs that the US working class pay for specifically so they can hand that money to the wealthy as a tax cut I’m just disgusted.
If this budget goes through and there isn’t rioting in the streets, then Americans as a people are truly beaten. And wherever you are in the world, you’d better start preparing yourselves, because the oligarchs are coming for you next.
I’d change it to poor people don’t have disposable income and therefore can’t save money. If you’re poor, 100% of your income goes to just making it through another week.
Understanding that simple fact reveals the flawed logic in so many conservative economic positions. If you give $100 to a billionaire, they’ll put it in their offshore tax haven, but if you give that same $100 to a poor person, they’ll spend it, so someone else can spend it, and that’s how you maintain an economy. I wouldn’t be surprised if this “50% of spending” figure has less to do with rich people spending more and more with poor people spending less as the screws get tighter, it’s not like the rich just suddenly decided they need more stuff.
Once the oligarchs squeeze every cent they can out of wages, public services, and the environment, the military is about all that’s left. Gotta get that infinite growth from somewhere!
Not necessarily. They’ve still got all those cool toys, and a bunch of simpletons with an excess of arrogance and delusions of being “alphas” are going to want to play with them.
This is cool and normal. I don’t think the fact that the administration that despises DEI policies firing a highly qualified black man to replace him with what I’m sure will be a tragically incompetent white man is anything to comment on. Carry on with the top notch governing, maga. 👍
Yeah, if I were American the urge would be to shoot them! 😉
Nah, too old, poor, and bad tempered. Plus I’ve already moved to a new continent twice, which is enough. And my kids would kick up all kinds of stink. But if we go the way of the states it’s going to be tough living out my normal life resisting the urge to punch a lot of people in the face.
So do I. Polling for the upcoming federal election is very concerning right now. Our right wing isn’t shy about their admiration for trump and it seems like the average Australian isn’t learning anything from what’s going on in the US right now.
I moved to the states in 2005. Got married, had kids, bought a house. Moved my family back to Australia in 2015. Had our difficulties since coming back here and often wondered if it was the right thing, but zero doubts since last November. Even my red blooded American wife says she’ll never set foot on US soil again and is going to apply for Australian citizenship.
I feel bad for decent Americans and every day appreciate how lucky I am that myself and my teenage daughters aren’t stuck in that collapsing empire.
Ooh boy, Murica’s about to get so flipping efficient!!!