Hole up! Doesn’t the existence of clothing imply nudity? Covering the nudity is what clothing is for! I feel like they hadn’t thought that through all the way.
Hole up! Doesn’t the existence of clothing imply nudity? Covering the nudity is what clothing is for! I feel like they hadn’t thought that through all the way.
Sure, now which pre-existing piece of xmpp based software checks all the feature boxes as noted by both Signal adherents and myself regarding Session? Are you implying the lay user code their own? If that exists you could have just linked to it rather than engage in whatever this is.
I will preface this with, I may be wrong, but as I understand it xmpp is just a protocol. One that, unless it’s been revised, imparts no encryption at all. Signal, and Session, are full architectures that enable all of the afrementioned features from my initial post including server and client.
Use Session instead. Open source, E2E encrypted, onion routed, no phone numbers. https://getsession.org/
Audited too. https://blog.quarkslab.com/resources/2021-05-04_audit-of-session-secure-messaging-application/20-08-Oxen-REP-v1.4.pdf
I don’t think cheap is what they’re after. Unless you mean this somehow helps their margins? Around here a 20oz soda is approaching $3 USD when just a year ago it was nearly half that. That’s definitely not cheap.
As the saying goes “If you’re not paying for the product you are the product.”
I’ve been using Fastmail for years now. Worth every penny. Doesn’t even come with “extras” other than a little webdav storage space.
Most email providers have free tiers. Try them!Find the one that works best for you. Pay for that.
Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive. You can just stop using Gmail and still maintain a Google account to use with oauth providers.
Your mistake here is in assuming removing DRM isn’t trivial. As someone who’s pirated games for literal decades I have enjoyed many a DRMed game on launch day. DRM is security theater just like the chumps at the airport who routinely are found to be missing 99% of contraband.
I know. I’m that guy. Brave has sync now. They finally fixed it. ¯\_/(ツ)_/¯
Oh yeah, you nailed it. Clearly worked for the OP… I also didn’t put a value on said opportunity cost. Perhaps it’s greater than $250 depending on the individual. Subjective as opportunity cost can sometimes be. Not trying to ascertain or consider it is at best just short sighted, or perhaps at worst ignorant. Cheap junk, effectively rented according to the EULA, subject to the whims of the rights holders, is never the way.
Best Buy does this all for you for $80, assuming the person is in the US. I expect this is available most places for similar prices though. You can get anything from a BT only unit for $20 online to a much nicer unit with Android Auto/iOS’s thing. While the initial cost might be higher the opportunity cost of your thing being disabled is almost certainly much higher, as this thread’s existence seems to support. $150-$200 well worth it in the long run to do a head unit upgrade.
Sure can!
If you wish to vet the project https://github.com/filips123/PWAsForFirefox
Or the direct FF extension here https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/pwas-for-firefox/