The sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration:
In Memex crowd thinking environment for thoughts unthinkable to separate beings, human-machine general intelligence raises superintelligent offspring to help all life.
The sick sad history of computer-aided collaboration:
You might prefer confabulation, or bullshitting.
One day I had my phone charging on the same table I was measuring a liquid from two glass dropper bottles. The phone heard me shaking the bottles, clinking the glass pipettes, and dropping the liquid into water. I’ve never ever talked about dropper bottles as I didn’t know what they are called before this incident. I had bought the liquids with their bottles about a month before, and I’ve only ever referred to them by the brand name of the liquid.
My Quora feed 20 minutes later:
“What are the advantages of using dropper bottles in chemical processes?”
Home to all things “Mildly Infuriating” Not infuriating, not enraging. Mildly Infuriating. All posts should reflect that.
The blame can be placed accurately: https://www.quora.com/Who-invented-the-modern-computer-look-and-feel/answer/Harri-K-Hiltunen
Oh. I didn’t see hate like that. I hate it when my toes get wet after I’ve walked through a puddle. I hate clam dishes. All your mom did was resemble mine.
I’ve never met her, but I hate her. My mom is almost as bad, going to weird lengths to misunderstand.
A conservative distro of Linux is more reliable than Windows. Debian or something. Overwrite the Windows so it can’t break the boot menu. Apple I don’t know about.
If they’d choose to do dysgenics, sure. Why though? Making a slave race?
Eugenics could be used ethically to improve humanity
Improving humans via new eugenics by transhumanists is compatible with human rights.
We allow natural mutation to produce illness and other problems. Why not design babies?
Gene editing will be cheap and widespread. What laws produce ethical results? Should personal eugenics be a human right? How about parental eugenics? Which baby designs are ethical? Don’t say the current natural ones, because many of them are unhappy, ill, or die young.
Misplacing the blame
Genocidal people having used eugenics as an excuse for mass murder doesn’t make eugenics itself bad. Blaming eugenics does nothing to prevent further genocide with excuses. Hate does genocide, the various excuses do not.
(Similarly, over-optimistic fools slamming one version of communism on a whole country without prototyping different versions in villages first, crashing the whole country, doesn’t make communism itself bad. Blaming communism does nothing to prevent foolhardy mistakes in societal change. Development should be nimble, prototypes should be cheap.)
We don’t ban money because it’s used to hurt people - we regulate dangerous stuff to protect human rights. Or, should regulate.
Eugenics works on animals:
Dogs have better social skills than wolves = eugenics.
Some dogs have trouble breathing = dysgenics.
Stray dogs in the wilderness are worse hunters than wolves = dysgenics in that environment.
Humans could be better:
Humans could be designed to work well in their lives:
Humanity could be better:
Humanity could be designed to work well in its evolution:
Separate the human kinds from incompatibles
Echo chambers (countries, languages, professions) are cultures protecting their own environment from incompatible cultures. When a group of people demands seemingly absurd laws, they should be allowed to apply those laws to all volunteers, babies being non-volunteers with universal rights. At least personal eugenics should be legal, like body modification is now. Ear piercing is a modification some abhor.
Transhumans and conservatives need to stay away from each other, and current technology could help: phones could navigate people, routing incompatibles around like oil and water. On shared ground, weirdos would always happen to be on the other side of the street. Train cars and elevators filled with groups of people approximately their own kind. All cars good looking on every commute, timed just right for people’s tastes. On the web, OkCupid and Quora used to be good at that, matching tastes and interests.
Do the opposite of what the for-profit sensationalist media does, smearing the wildest progressive stunts in the conservative’s face, because rage sells, anger is addictive. The blame is mistakenly placed on the depicted, not the media breaking people’s boundaries by pushing incompatible people into knowledge of each other.
If they got access to the DNA data that many companies collect to analyse heritage and health, the eugenics could work well.
Changing the business model from pay-to-play into escrow-held matching success reward would change dating.
If a user likes another, and wants more matches of the same kind, they must admit the dating company was successful, and the escrow pays them.
If you choose not to release the payment, it means the match was bad and the matching algorithm must be corrected according to your stated reason for dissatisfaction. If you hold on to the deposited money despite success, your matches get worse.
Lacks dark patterns.
Some projects can be done as part of university courses cheaply and slowly.
…which should be used only when the browser is running out of memory.
Clearing the whole form when submitting should be defined a crime with fines.
That pump is inside the machine – I shall observe whether the water comes out (to an open drain) as fast as usual, and if not, report to maintenance.
The left rejected the Democrats’ corporate neoliberalism. Some held their nose and voted for the lesser evil despite loathing them, but too many couldn’t bring themselves to do it.
The lessons to be learned:
Agreed, but people seem to have lost the understanding of hypertext.
Why did they think the word is blue? How is that not obvious anymore?
I said “More about boring dystopia further down the article”. The collaborational approach to computing was tossed by the wayside several times over the decades, and the result is a dystopia.
The superficial layout of input and output devices makes maybe 3% of the UX talked about in the whole article. “Design is how it works.”
A phone can notice when it’s in the hands of a security expert and start acting normal. Before dieselgate, Volkswagen cars had been emissions tested for years without finding anything suspicious. Turned out VW used the car’s sensors to detect when it was being tested.
Leadership: What is important, what redundant projects should be joined or axed and their developers merged.