No need to change something if there’s no reason to. A murderer of wife he may be, but that wouldn’t change what happened in the project. It’s also possible that since it wasn’t all that popular outside of memes nobody even checked.
I’m merely stating that for the “gunshow loophole” to be closed it would require all guns to be registered. The loophole is private sales not requiring background checks, but the only way to make that enforceable would be to require all guns to be registered.
And that loophole is private sale. If you required background checks for private sale it would necessitate registration for it to do anything.
The “gun show loophole” is the ability to own a gun without the government knowing you own a gun. In order to actually close this non-existent loophole all guns would have to be registered and registered guns are confiscated guns.
Could have learned that a long time ago. Everybody learns it somehow from some greedy company. Luckily you’ve learned it now.
Unless you’re a mod. Then it’s “Everybody should do exactly what I think they should do at all times or ban.”
These rewrites in rust are merely just training exercises for those doing it. It wasn’t needed and in most cases isnt used.
Bring back balaclavas.
The recent article about kids getting arrested for words and it’s positive reception should give you a hint.
At the very least they’re calculating the tip from the pretax/pregratuity price. Most places seem to calculate the suggested tips from the after tax total. So they’re not complete scumbags. Only mostly scumbags.
Implying nobody enjoys making porn.
If the guy on stage was any kind of self-aware that would be really demoralizing to hear somebody yell bingo in the middle of your pitch.
Honestly it’s one of the easiest repairs outside of changing a tire. Hardest part might be getting the screws out because they might be rusted to the rotor. If you can change brake pads you’re one screw away from changing the rotors.
Foldable phones are a product looking for an audience. They figured out how to do it so they figured everybody would want one. I want nothing to do with it
You talk like it’s in any way workable in reality. It would just turn into chaos. Just like communism it doesn’t work in real life.
Lol so you went and confirmed it. You’re 12 then?
That’s what happens when people stop following the rules. It doesn’t matter what rules you think shouldn’t be followed. If you stop following some you stop following all.
Ah yes, anarchy. The worst form of government quickly devolving into warlords. Are you 12?