The microsoft store sells games? I thought that was only used to occasionally update your xbox for pc controllers by grabbing the xbox accessories app. Never seen the microsoft store otherwise.
The microsoft store sells games? I thought that was only used to occasionally update your xbox for pc controllers by grabbing the xbox accessories app. Never seen the microsoft store otherwise.
And with it unified, it’s easier to tie multiple online identities back to which one single person they all are.
It’s described in the article, got to it from one of the other links on lemmy. It’s the older tower of terror smaller carnival rides. The ones that are like 20-40 seats around a central pole and the seats alternate between going up and down the pole at as rapid a pace as that much weight can be cheaply moved.
The video in question is about someone falling off of it.
Is the headline supposed to have an error message in the middle of it? Or did mine break somehow?
“Freetube [BAD_HTTP_STATUS: 403] Potential causes: IP block or streaming URL deciphering failed
is fixed” is what my headline says.
Are you worried people with guns might try to take your money? Why take chances? You should hire these people with guns who will for sure take your money.
If you want it to feel like early Nintendo again, the place to look is VR now. Over the last 10 years, it has been an exciting growth pace to watch. And co-incidentally, some of my favorite stuff to do in VR is play Nintendo games in 3D.
Yeah, I changed my auto correct on my first smart phone like 15 years ago now and have propagated my user dictionary and rules forward automatically with every new phone since. I’ve made more edits on every single phone along the way, too. But never had to change the same thing twice.
Any time it does something annoying, actually take the 3 seconds to fix it…
Yeah, that stock photo site is well-known for not reliably filtering out AI generated stock photos despite having a check box specifically for that purpose.
Yeah, there is a pretty big difference between “they think we shouldn’t defend ourselves” and “they think we shouldn’t commit war crimes and genocide while defending ourselves”. They initially had a ton of support for defending themselves after october 7th… but they turned the tides against themselves by almost immediately going way too far. It has absolutely nothing to do with who either side is ethnically or religiously or whatever, it is entirely the war crimes and genocide we want to stop.
Yeah, they had the choice between making an effort to be a better person, or simply deluding themselves that they are already better, all their negative traits are in-fact positive traits, everyone else is the problem for suggesting they aren’t already perfect.
Delusion is easier if you can trick yourself that easily.
Why would it be sweet? It’s more like a bouillon cube.
I have yet to get anything else to look or run as nice as virtual desktop, even stuff that lets you use higher bitrate just ends up bogging down the headsets decoder and not looking better while also having worse latency.
With VD I get a nice looking game at or below 30ms total latency.
And when I play from my computer while at my brother’s or friends houses, it’s 36ms or less latency, but otherwise looks the same.
And of course, when using the actual desktop mode instead of playing VR games, it’s an even bigger leap over the other options. Like <6ms latency, <12ms from other peoples houses. And two 4k 120hz screens, that actually look 4k, despite only having enough physical pixels to support 1440p at the 80 degree fov I have my monitors take up. But since every frame renders a slightly different set of pixels, you basically get a free sort of temporal anti-aliasing that effectively up-scales the resolution of the screen enough to see all the detail the real 4k screen is showing. Not every frame, but enough that your brain sees it anyway.
It was step one, not intended to be the entire end-goal. The goal is to make it obvious that profits aren’t the way healthcare should be done, as it is directly at odds with the purpose. Almost every other country in the world has removed profit from healthcare, or never added it in the first place. Even if you want to keep the rest of capitalism, it doesn’t go here.
He definitely got the conversation started. He got alot of people to say out loud that “they kind of agree with him”. And that is how change happens, when alot of people realise they were already thinking the same thing but didn’t want to be the first one to say it. He opened the flood gates.
Other way around, Mayor always said it was terror, FBI originally said it wasn’t. Well, one person from the FBI anyway.
The headline in your image “unclearly” states exactly that. FBI declares “not terrorism, -contradicting- Mayors statement”.
It should, they are not giving any proper reason to, just trying to cheaply get more money from you wasting more of your time. They are wrong, they should feel bad. Making a video with the express purpose of trying to milk money out of it is not a successful strategy long-term. Making good content that people want to watch to the end without being told to is much harder, but actually works.
“Wait for the end” or “the last one will shock you” is because the video gets an algorithm bump if people watch it all the way to the end. Only reason. To make more money.
Does delaying the announcement that she is vacating at all increase the chance that another GOP follows her? Cuz then, that would be why. If not, then probably just covering an embarrassing secret.
Oh, interesting. That’s like the one feature I don’t really use it for. It’s weird how subtle differences in what you were around for can make such big differences in what stuff you use. Like literally everyone I know or knew my age is on Discord. It’s our primary social platform. I’m in like 30 servers and active in 10 of them. I’m in the discord for every game I actively play. And every game has one, I just assumed that was a common thing to do.
But seeing peoples comments about negativity and other stuff, I have never seen that on discord. So I guess it makes sense why I didn’t get pushed away from it. It’s all been incredibly positive and great gaming communities for hanging out in. I can help so many people, usually when I play a game, I get pretty into it. So I tend to know alot about it, and it’s nice to be able to help out people with questions about it. I don’t know where else people that aren’t in a games discord go to ask those questions, usually the discords are pretty huge.
Like, your phone doesn’t? Or you choose not to also have discord on your phone? People can only reach you if you are sitting at your computer?
Ah sorry, guess I should have tagged it as sarcastic.