hey, why is this significant? I can guess what features these are linked to, but is there any significance to the email address-like formats?
hey, why is this significant? I can guess what features these are linked to, but is there any significance to the email address-like formats?
Ah, yes. That’s the one.
I can suffer a little smugness if it brings in to the fold atleast one dude who’s never heard of LineageOS
Thanks, I was thinking of the fitness app
That’s just doomerism.
which ones?
Hey, just letting you know getting the answers you want after getting a whole lot of answers you dont want is pretty much how everyone learns.
I’m installing Mint! I also had an eye on EndeavourOS, but I’m thinking I can first switch to mint and once I have some time in it switch to the more involved EndeavourOS tweaking process.
Do you use any other search engine?
Did you turn off two way sync? I thought deleting data from your phone would make the system to interpret the change as an update and delete the data from your Nas too.
I remember reading this - IIRC the kingdom had an independant archivists division that was not under the control of the king, for the sole reason that kings would try to fit the narrative to their benefit.
startpage is a proxy for google?
Doesn’t the IP address change anyway?
But what about when you want to move a few gigs out of your phone to free up space?
Would you like to live one extra year than your otherwise normal lifespan? Yeah?
Yeah that’s pretty much why.
Stops a lot of scammers and if some gets through there might be a paper trail to follow and link the accounts involved to real people.
It’s an indian government venture. If the scope is too big app updates would be spaced out to every 8 years
I’m waiting for Ladybird