Will this affect SteamOS in any way? I guess the development on that is separate from KDE but I don’t really know.
Will this affect SteamOS in any way? I guess the development on that is separate from KDE but I don’t really know.
It’s making fun of dynamic languages because rather than letting the compiler prove theorems about statically typed code, they… don’t.
Just the way gran-pappy did it! Hot dang!
It definitely takes some tinkering to get it right. I’ll go check what my settings are tomorrow morning when I wake up.
Zero dawn works perfectly. It even gets quite good graphics and fps. I loved playing it on deck. I actually much prefer it because of the gyro aiming with left trigger and the back buttons.
Hopefully forbidden west comes out for steam before I die of old age 😂
Second for cryoutilities, it helped for horizon zero dawn on my deck.
It’s so worth it, gyro aiming makes life so much better. Any game where you aim using the left trigger is perfect for it. You just set your gyro trigger to activate on trigger pull. Tuning it can be a bit tricky, and I found for Control specifically it didn’t like mouse input from the gyro, I had to trial and error the aiming. Tomb raider had gyro aiming by default.
I’ve played through the newer tomb raider games and they’re great, same with horizon zero dawn and Control. Being able to turn on gyro aiming while a arrow is notched or your gun is raised makes those kinds of games really fun.
Makes sense, that’s what I assumed