Happy to hear a succes story and Sims 3 is the least interesting of the bunch. Sims 2 and 4 are most important for her.
Happy to hear a succes story and Sims 3 is the least interesting of the bunch. Sims 2 and 4 are most important for her.
I I wrote to someone else here I don’t really understand Lutris when I tried it about a year ago. I found it a bit confusing on how to use it and gave up rather quickly because steam ended up worked for my needs back then. But now I want remote play and Sims to work and I feel like I’m starting from scratch even though I very good with Linux. Gaming on Linux is a whole different ordeal with drivers and compatibility layers and I don’t want my girlfriend (or myself for that matter) to be bothered by this when we just want to game.
I briefly tried to install lutris on my laptop about a year ago, but i found it really confusing to use. If I remember correctly it required a disk or iso to install and i have everything through either steam or EA or som older games just installs natively so I didn’t really understand why or how I should use it.
Does pop then use SNAP because then I don’t really want to touch it. Imo. SNAP is so slow and bloated I don’t want it on my system if I can avoid it.
If done right even if the controller/bridge is down it should still work. However Zigbee is a bit of the wild west so mixing brands of switches and bulbs might not always work if you want this functionality so stick with one brand or test before you buy more. I have a few sonoff buttons and they dont work with ikea bulbs when pairing directly. But your mileage may vary.
I love all the ikea stuff, but true that the remote controls are absolutely garbage. I have multiple and they all are either slow, or not responding half the time. I think they have some debounce build onto the firmware and it is way too agressive.
Bme280 is actually just as cheap if not cheaper than the dht sensors. But its a fair point trying to keep the cost down. I definitely like that philosophy, but if the quality suffers too much it’s just not worth the trouble. Keep up the good work. 😎
Those dht11 sensors are garbage tho. Best case they are wildly off on their humidity sensor. Worst case they keep breaking and shows nonsense readings. I would recommend bme280 sensor instead. If you read about them you might see people complain that they are reading too high temperatures, but in my experience its because they are misconfigured. Default settings have a very high sampling rate of multiple samples per second that heats up the sensor a tiny bit giving you the offset. Lowering the sampling rate or turn the sensor off completely in between readings gives really precise measurements on both temperatures and humidity.
Then when the computer wakes up the mouse is all wonky for the first few minutes
This is the worst. Firefox being snap by default has caused so many issues for me making it unusable in multiple ways and if you are not a Linux expert it is impossible to debug and no way you would believe that the default installation snap would be the core issue.
…Me avoiding responsibilities…
Debian. Since so many distros are based of it I always thought of it to be a stripped down, minimal and basic distro, but after daily driving for a year now in suprised how feature complete and pleasent it is out of the box with kde DE.
What’s on my USB stick you ask… A bunch of random shit I haven’t touched for 8 years so I have no idea what it is and it’s probably outdated, but I’d be damned if that usb stick is not In my keychain because “I might need it one day”
Here’s an idea. Use a mikrotik router board. They are super cheap and support VPN natively. I use wireguard but it should also support openVPN as well. Maybe more I’m not sure. The small hap series are super cheap and works great.
Mikrotik all the way. But prepare yourself for a nice steep learning curve, but now that om past that i sware by it. Super fast and infinity configurable. The entire router configuration can be exported as a txt file and imported in seconds so if it breaks just get a new one and load up your config and you are good to go. Also the forums are a gold mine of information. What i love the most is just how fast it is. Setting take effect instantly. Also means it is extremely fast to lock yourself out of not careful. Again, steep learning curve but really good after that.
Well, I’m one. Fed up with windows BS.
As a Dane i can say that maybe its because Scandinavians are generally pretty tech savvy and good with digitalisation. Also Scandinavians has a low tolerance for bullshit.
I used this for a project once and its great. Super powerful and has a great API for automation https://kanboard.org/
If you like Ubuntu I can only recommend Debian with KDE desktop (don’t install the default gnome DE).
I just switched recently and it’s a very clean feeling. No snap and no nonsens. Just stable and trustworthy.
Awesome. I’ll give it a go with lutris